Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
Hi Claire, I don't want to disappoint you with the information below..but I just want you to know and check it for yourself if you will be affected by this:

TOEIC & TOEFL suspended until further investigation goes on. UKBA sending letters to all students and applicants by saying to provide them a new English Test or their application will be held until they finalise their investigation. You can see more details here:

Here's is the current status as announced by ETS under instruction of The Home Office:-


The U.K. Home Office has directed ETS to suspend TOEICŪ and TOEFLŪ testing at this time in the U.K. for those already in the U.K. who plan to use their scores as part of their visa application. At this time, individuals already in the U.K. who are planning to apply for a visa may not use a TOEIC or TOEFL test to provide evidence of English proficiency for their application. For individuals who are both applying for a visa and testing outside the UK there is no change. The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before. Candidates in the U.K. who have appointments to take either test for immigration purposes will be contacted by ETS to process a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The key sentence for those in Philippines is:-

"....The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before."