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Thread: EEA national going to UK with Filipina wife (requirements for EEA Family Permit)

  1. #1
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    Question EEA national going to UK with Filipina wife (requirements for EEA Family Permit)

    My husband to be is Polish citizen but he has been working in the US. He hasn't worked in any European countries BEFORE. After our marriage in my country, Philippines, he is planning to bring me to UK, so we will both travel together.My problem is am I allowed for this EEA family permit of 3 months granted that he hasn't worked in any European countries before including UK. He intends to study full time there and work part time. We really wanted to be together after our marriage and it's hard for husband and wife to be apart because we always miss each other so much.

    Is it true that we only need:

    -His passport ( EEA national)
    -My passport ( non-EEA national)
    -Mariage certificate
    -Lettter from the EEA national

    Anybody who have an idea about this. We need help. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Hello mars.millar and welcome aboard Filipino UK

    In principle you are correct.

    You will need to apply for a UKBA Family Permit from the Philippines.

    Given that your husband-to-be will be declaring as student he'll need to have documentary evidence of being enrolled on a course of study, comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the UK and declare that he has sufficient resources.

    The Family Permit is issued free-of-charge and decisions are made within a very short time (1-3 weeks). Means any reasons for refusal will be detailed and you'll be able to resolve them for a subsequent application which may be made at any time. Again free of charge.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hi Terpe, I need also guidance in applying for EEA family permit. My husband is a Spanish and he is now working in UK.. Should I apply online or over the counter application? Could you please tell me what to do? Thank you..

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roselle View Post
    Hi Terpe, I need also guidance in applying for EEA family permit. My husband is a Spanish and he is now working in UK.. Should I apply online or over the counter application? Could you please tell me what to do? Thank you..
    Hi Roselle, I replied already on this in your previous thread here:-

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Your husbands have more rights than us British citizens so it seems

  6. #6
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    Whoaaa I never expect it to be that easy!

    Tiger31 is right, your husbands have more rights than British citizens.. Such a shame.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Thirded! No offence to either Mars or Roselle it's not their fault. But 100% with the sentiments expressed in each of the two most recent posts ... continental Europeans DO have far more leeway than born and bred British Citizens.

    And it's unfair that our nation - as an integral part of the EU - should be given such a raw deal!

  8. #8
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Thirded! No offence to either Mars or Roselle it's not their fault. But 100% with the sentiments expressed in each of the two most recent posts ... continental Europeans DO have far more leeway than born and bred British Citizens.

    And it's unfair that our nation - as an integral part of the EU - should be given such a raw deal!
    Hear Hear...

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