Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Slip, your appointment at the Embassy for CNI exchange will simply be just that. So you will have the Philippine version CNI on that time.

Technically you need that CNI before you can lodge for marriage licence.

Once you have the needed paperwork you can apply for the marriage licence. Usually at the Municiple Hall/City where you'll be married...you'll need to wait a minimum 10 days for the licenec to be issued. Then you're able to get married.
Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
Thanks for that... I told her that was the case, but she wanted me to find out for sure lol

Ok, she is asking me more lol

Because she lives 8 hours from Manila, she is saying once I exchange the CNI the day after I arrive, then do we have to go back to manila again? i told her no as we go to her town hall where she is from, apply for wedding license then once we get it we can marry....

She is worried that we will be forever traveling back and forth.. I plan to get CNI exchange on the 8th May and travel to her home town on 9th May

Am I right?