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Thread: Do savings matter in fiancée visa application?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Do savings matter in fiancée visa application?

    It's me again

    I would love to read your own experiences or opinions, advices and suggestions will also work. Do savings really matter in fiancée visa?

    First: do the applicant's savings matter? Or is it afar not to submit my bank statements as they won't see any money in it?

    Second: do my sponsor's savings will matter in my application? I will be very specific with my situation now. My fiancé works in stable and known company for 6 years and in his p60, it states that his "total for year pay" is £22,768.50, and as of this time, his savings in his bank is (estimated) £3,300, do you think it could be a reason of refusal for my fiancée visa?

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    If i remember right when we was applying for Ems fiancee visa, we filled in what they asked for,

    If the form requires information you must fill it in,

    Ems did not have savings and what they needed was could i support her once she was here, thats very important

  3. #3
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    Exactly. .we didn't have any savings either. What's important is what your husband has left over after all the bills have been paid. I think the minimum amount each week is around £115.

    I remember back in 2009 when a guy had a Visa refused..He was on 50k a year. The thing was. .his outgoings exceeded his income.

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Exactly. .we didn't have any savings either. What's important is what your husband has left over after all the bills have been paid. I think the minimum amount each week is around £115.

    I remember back in 2009 when a guy had a Visa refused..He was on 50k a year. The thing was. .his outgoings exceeded his income.
    This isn't the case now. The financial requirement has been changed since 9 July 2012.
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  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Jen, You don't need to show any of your savings. Financial requirement for a settlement visa is solely of your fiance. Since your fiance's annual salary is above £18,600, his savings won't matter. It's either the annual salary or the savings alone. Savings will take into account (or can be used along with the salary) only if the annual salary is short of £18,600.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    It's me again

    I would love to read your own experiences or opinions, advices and suggestions will also work. Do savings really matter in fiancée visa?

    First: do the applicant's savings matter? Or is it afar not to submit my bank statements as they won't see any money in it?

    Second: do my sponsor's savings will matter in my application? I will be very specific with my situation now. My fiancé works in stable and known company for 6 years and in his p60, it states that his "total for year pay" is £22,768.50, and as of this time, his savings in his bank is (estimated) £3,300, do you think it could be a reason of refusal for my fiancée visa?
    Under the "Old Rules", savings played a significantly important part in the Visa Application process. Still do ... albeit, only in cases where the sponsor's gross annual earnings fall short of the stipulated Minimum Income Level, (i.e., £18,600) Jen. But, with your fiance's wage/salary being well in excess of that amount - coupled with the fact that he's
    in good, steady employment - I honestly cannot envisage any reasons whatsoever for a refusal, so you can relax on that score.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Under the "Old Rules", savings played a significantly important part in the Visa Application process. Still do ... albeit, only in cases where the sponsor's gross annual earnings fall short of the stipulated Minimum Income Level, (i.e., £18,600) Jen. But, with your fiance's wage/salary being well in excess of that amount - coupled with the fact that he's
    in good, steady employment - I honestly cannot envisage any reasons whatsoever for a refusal, so you can relax on that score.
    So monthly outgoings play part any more.

    For all they know he could be saddled with £500 a month car finance. I suppose the powers that be know best

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