Hi my friends.
Well its hard to believe still that when I come home from work there is my dear wife to meet me and kiss me goodbye in the morning.
When I think of the mountain of documents we had to do, well how did we manage! Yet with your help & Gods to we are now with each other.
My wife has very blessedly settled into the family and loved by them all. She is being taught by my mum the home cooking and she is doing very well, I think I will put on weight!
We have a Philippino dish each week and some rice. Funny how I have become so domesticated so easilyShopping for food and cloths; well I actually enjoy it! We work together as a team doing DIY or whatever.
For you guys just starting out, take your time, study and ask questions. Do everything according to the book and at last you will arrive at the place you want to be. There will tears and trials but it will be worth it.
I admire the Philppina attitude always busy and hard working. My own mum says she is the daughter she never had.
I am very blest and glad to be part of this forum.
Hoping I can encourage others to keep at their dreams and be some help.
John & Angeline