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Thread: Philippine government should be ashamed

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  1. #1
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    Angry Philippine government should be ashamed

    I just wanted to say that the Philippine government should be ashamed of itself, the people of the Philippines are not looked after by the government from my limited experience and two visits. Flying into Manila, the capital city which should proudly represent the country, is like flying into the a rubbish dump.

    I hope Thai's realise how lucky they are to have the king and country they do, and they are rightfully proud. The people of the Philippines seem to be out for themselves which is not their fault, there is no order and they have to survive, they seem to have faith in God because they can't possibly have any faith in their government or local politicians.

    I would love to see the country have a decent government that takes care of the people and helps the country recover, is there any chance of this ever happening or is Gloria Arroyo just going to continue shopping in New York, rubbing shoulders with Bill Clinton and dining in nice restaurants?

    As for Imelda and Ferdinand, the ones who did the real damage - I hope they are rotting in hell for their sheer evil and greed.

    I have recently seperated from my Fillipina girlfriend and she is the best girlfriend I ever had and the only woman who has never let me down and I will love her till the day I die and hope to stay in touch with her family who have suffered all their lives but stuck together and are closer than any family I have ever known.

    I don't blame the people for longing to get out of the Philippines and I think Phillipinos should be welcome in any country as they seem generally good hearted, sincere and hard working.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    150 like flying into the a rubbish dump.
    Like Newcastle then?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The trouble with troubled is that he went to R.P (Pampanga) for 5 mins ,got scammed by his girls parents and now thinks he has the whole country sussed!!
    Hardly a credible source in my book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Like Newcastle then?
    Stop exaggerating!!

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Flying into Manila, the capital city which should proudly represent the country, is like flying into the a rubbish dump.
    I can`t blame you for that comment, Me myself I get depressed everytime I come back to Manila for a short stay.I always compare things here to what have seen in the other countries I`ve been. I must admit that Philippines have not been look after very well by the government, but I realised that in almost ten years that I`ve been in and out of the country I`ve noticed that recently the City has been improved.
    Example is the EDSA; before , It takes 2 to 3 hours drive to get to airport from my place which is in the northern part of Manila, but now I dont need to wake up very early to get to the airport because now it takes only 45 to 1 hour drive to get to the airport. The EDSA which is known before as the biggest carpark in the Philippines because of the bumper to bumper, heavy traffic jam everyday, now the commuters seems happy as the bussiest road has been improved, the sidewalks vendors has been removed and MMDA put more footbridges, overpass and fence along EDSA.

    I don't blame the people for longing to get out of the Philippines and I think Phillipinos should be welcome in a ny country as they seem generally good hearted, sincere and hard working.

    Well, happy to hear that despite of a bad impression with the some places in the city you`ve appreciated the goodness and kind hearted of the people in the Philippines.
    You can find the the most beautiful,attractive and impressive places everywhere in the world BUT you can not find people as loving, caring, hospitable and friendly like filipinos. Im sure every filipina wife here will agree...

    So what do you prefer? to go to beautiful and impressive city but the local people are inpolite, not friendly and not hospitable?

    Well for me, I`ve been to many cities in the other part of the world; rich, impressive and organized but I always come back to Manila because there is no place like Manila. This is my hometown and I always proud to say that "Im from Manila!"

  5. #5
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    U got the point Fred..

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thanks Kimmi..
    IMO that post is made up from the same old cliches that have been doing the rounds since 1972!! I find it very irritating.
    Next he will be blaming Gloria for not living up to her great fathers reputation!!
    Personally,I think she is doing an excellent job..
    So lets get positive!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    As with Fred, I see these posts and have been reading such like for years, always blaming smokey mountain as the icon of Manila, ok so there is trash in the streets, so what ? so some of the buildings are delapidated, so what ?

    I'm not sure about this guy and his girl...if she is so great and never let him down, why is he seperated from her ?

    Was their a previous thread I missed, I think so, the fact is..we fly into Manila for one reason only, for many of us, its the transport hub of the Philippines from other international cities.

    The point of our arrival in that great city is to get to be with our girls !

    Thats all that matters, getting to the girls, the faster we arrive in Manila..the faster we are in the arms of our girls...

    Isnt that what its all about ?

    My mate and I were having a chat, a few months ago, about the time in the old days when we used to arrive in Manila, once we even flew together on the same Emirates flight to have a laugh on board, a frew drinks and chat, and arrived in Manila the same time.

    Our Girls (now the wives) would meet us at NAIA, that was in the days before the Visa saga's but thats another story, it was also before the days when people got their visa's by post, a strange phenomenon to us.

    I can remember going down to the well wishers area, anxiously looking for my girl...anticipating seeing her bright smiling face, with fluttering eyelids, the only thing I can remember about Manila back then is not the smell of the garbage dump

    It was the smell of my girl...and my goodness was it so sweet, the smell of her hair..not the smell of the garbage dump.

    The Minute we clapped eyes on each other, it was in a taxi as fast as you can say...smokey mountain.

    And downtown to our hotel...we normally did not surface from outside our room for a good 24 hours.

    Did we care about the garbage, the poverty, the dirty streets, brownouts, beggars, nope..

    We could have been in the Arctic circle and we would not have noticed.

    just remember

    "Focus on whats important ! getting to your girl...and making her happy...isnt that what its all about guys ?"

    "I know it is for me, even now after 3 years, I still shoot down the motorway to get home to my girl, and there isnt a day go by, that I dont get that exciting tingle in my body..thinking about getting home to see her again..."

    Sometimes we can let the inadequacies of the country interefere with our quest for happiness, and we fail to understand what is important to us about that country, for every inadequacy you can find, your girl more than makes up for it, she manages to surpass all the irritations of the Philippines, after all when you really look carefully at why you went....look down at her when she sleeps...then you will see why you went in the first place.

  8. #8
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    I love Thailand, but I think your comparison with the Philippines is unfair. Thailand is currently a military dictatorship, has no democracy, and the people do not matter to the government. No government of Thailand has ever done anything for its poor people, and, I'm sad to say, nor has their king, who has simply reinforced the age old power structures.


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