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Hi Guys,
Firstly, sorry this is a long thread, so I apologise now, but hey you don’t have to read it LOL, but thanks in advance for those who do take time, and especially with responses.
I’ve enjoyed the forum here and hope my contributions have helped.
I’m in a difficult position now and not sure what to do or what I am doing is really right. I have posted before about some of my experiences, but in order to be fair, I will try not to point the finger and demonise her....there's two sides to everything...but I’ll just say enough to give you an idea of the background.
I met a Pinay back in September 2011. After a few dates, we became a couple. We both fell for each other quite fast. She was a student, and in fairness she told me on our 3rd or 4th date, that she did have a son, and she was separated over ten years.
Anyway, after a very short period we experienced some “misunderstandings”....quite deep arguments/disagreements out of things or discussions that should never really have got out of hand. First one I remember clearly ( well there was one before but its too long to explain) . She asked me what I would say if she said she fell pregnant (unplanned)....I said initially I’d worry and think about the problems, about her being a student, her visa, her commitments back home to her family, basically alot of things needed to be considered before singing from the roof.
To cut a long story short, the next day, most of the afternoon was pretty unpleasant - texts, followed by skype argument going on and on. I was shocked, just tried to pass it off in the end as a crazy one off, time of the month time or whatever. I should have disengaged with hindsight but carried on fruitlessly trying to reason.
The next day when I visited, we made up and I tried to just forget a silly time. Relieved that the silly incident the day before was gone.
Over the next few months, we had similar unpleasant times, out of trivial things that should never really get so serious. I’ll try and avoid giving examples (it would be so easy but it’s only my side) but basically I felt I was being put on the defensive many times, faced with explaining things when I thought everything was right.
For example, I got into explaining why I hadn’t texted when I had got in from a night out... no big deal...i had a few drinks, forgot. All weekend it was a drama.
I got into a cycle of good wonderful times with the sweetest girl I met, followed by really deep silly arguments out of things that shouldn’t really matter.
In the background, she was having problems with her college, and this I knew was a cause of a lot of stress. I found that I was attributing a lot of problems down to her stresses.
Anyway after a few more months, I got to the point where I just had enough, and combined with some very serious work issues that needed attention, I wanted to part. I was in a lot of emotional turmoil, and I know she was and with her insecure uncertain life, and knew she was suffering too.
We ended up back together, and yeah, the cycle never really changed. Why did I stay? Why did I return? I was hooked on the sweet good girl, and tried to forget/ignore the unpleasant (and irrational) times.
When she asked about the future (which she is right to do and I confess I tried to ignore it sometimes), I did explain that while I loved her, I still had reservations, because of the crazy past events. I will be fair, she often said sorry for all of them though, but they repeated. Until I got rid of my reservations I just couldn’t commit.
She says I am holding grudges, but, I am just worried that it will always be a drama and conflict.
She is terribly desperate, but I insisted that any commitment from me out of pity/sympathy or pressurised would only lead to a short lived relief from her with me waking up resentful one day and her returning to feeling insecure.
Maybe some will consider I have led her along, but I stayed while I thought there would be a chance, but have been open with her about why I have the doubts.., I just never have managed to dispel my doubts.
Last week she said she wouldn’t stay without me committing. She left. The next day, I had some much needed time to myself in the afternoon. It was nice to be left to consider all my feelings, and try and put aside her life/troubles which cause me to feel pity...to have a clearer head. It became clear to me that while she’s around me, while her problems distort my clear thinking, I’ll never have a clear head and see things clear enough. I told her that (she texted and resumed contact which kind of bugged me)...anyway she turned up unannounced on Monday, I suggested no contact and I would see her in a week's time. Unfortunately, it seems her emotions have gotten the better of her, and I’ve been called and texted a lot, so much for leaving me space. Just after finding breathing space I am back to square one grr...
So, if you’ve not got bored, I wonder what others have experienced, if you’ve overcome similar difficulities and lived happily ever after, or you ignored your fears and lived to regret it.