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Thread: Any Regrets

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Any Regrets

    Having just spoken to a friend of a friend who moved to Thailand 6 years ago this year, and i may add hes doing very well too, any regrets i asked, yes i should have done it sooner,
    So should we have done it sooner,
    We are all different in what we are seeking in our lives but we all know we are all getting older too,
    This chap left England when we was 61 , he was alone here, renting a terrace house and going to work at the local hospital on his bike then back home again, yes at the time it suited him but he had a plan that to have enough money behind him and then just go, he also had a friend who was waiting in Thailand too i may add,
    He only managed to save just around 6-7000 pounds and he could not take it any longer so he went,
    A lot of his so called friends was laughing he will be back and this and that about him, but these so called friends are still in the same pubs and maybe same seats too, and has he come back NO,
    he was a teacher over there and now hes a sales man just part time in a truck dealership, hes just brought himself a big motorbike with everything on it for touring and i must say he looks like hes in his 50s not late 60s,
    So life for him has turned out just fine, but like i have said we are all not the same ,
    My plans is still to be going no later then 60, if not before because how much do you really need for that nest egg , but also i have to look at i will not be working over in the phils at all, but i shall be having a income from my works pensions and property too,
    So come on boys and girls those who have moved and those who have come back or are planning to go , whats your stories

  2. #2
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    My only regret is that I sold the house that I owned when I first went to the Phils, aged 38.

    It had a tiny mortgage repayment and I should have rented it out.

    Other than that, at 62 I can't wait to go back . Life is short, and you don't get a re-run.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Thanks Graham, indeed life is short when you have all these ideas , grab them while we can , but like anything in life you have to pay for these things

  4. #4
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I am almost 40 and could quite happily pack up my belongings and start afresh in another country.... I did toy with the idea of living and working in Seychelles a while back.

    At home I love my creature comforts, but can quite happily live without TV and lifes other luxuries.... I have family here in UK, but that is what planes are for and with the internet and things like Skype, you are never to far away afterall.... I mean I have been in a relationship with Harlene for about 2 years now and that has survived over the internet!

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thats right, anyone if they wanted come make contact with each other, i know people who live around the corner but have i seen them, not at all,

    Creature comforts, well i wonder what they are, for me as long as i have my camera and a charger too, plus Ems i shall be happy methinks, and yes plus the warmth of the sun on my back would be nice too

  6. #6
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    ...just looking at houses to rent in Pangasinan.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    its great looking and planning, i do it most days

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    on one of my trips back from the phils, i sat next to a lady in her 30's she had 2 teenage kids with her, they were moving back to the UK after living in Oz for a couple of years, it didn't work out for them, she was going to find a place to live and her husband was going to return in a couple of months, i think the main reason was they missed their family and friends.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    I should do fine then, as only 1 seeing friend, plus you lot but we talk on here everyday , the family well, if i dont go and see them i will never see them

  10. #10
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    I've got no friends either...always working or on this blinkin computer.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ...after living in Oz for a couple of years, it didn't work out for them, she was going to find a place to live and her husband was going to return in a couple of months, i think the main reason was they missed their family and friends.
    I imagine that would be the number one reason for folks to return.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    We have a plan in place, 10 years in the UK then we are off to live in the house we bought in October. We are both just working and get as much money as we can in these 10 years. I have been over to Cebu every 6 months for the last 3 years but I have told my wife that we're only going once a year max now to save money.

    The countdown is on, 8 years and 8 months to go. That will make me 55 years young when I leave this country of ours. Everything is going to plan so far.

  13. #13
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    Good plan Rory.

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    I've no ties at all here in UK
    No family and no friends.
    Nothing holding me back..........................well except for the wife

    She's just bought yet another house in her home town to rent out.......she wants to stay here a bit longer so she can get more
    She's already planning just how I'm going to renovate them so that she can get higher rents....

    I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.......

    We made a plan before Christmas to move out this year unfortunately that got dropped due to family reasons.

    My stake is firmly planted to leave UK no later than 12 months from now. Carina knows and agrees.......

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    We have plan in place, 10 years in the UK then we are off to live in the house we bought in October. We are both just working and get as much money as we can in these 10 years. I have been over to Cebu every 6 months for the last 3 years but I have told my wife that we only going once a year max now to save money.
    The countdown is on, 8 years and 8 months to go. That will make me 55 years young when I leave this country of ours. Everything is going to plan so far.
    Good luck with the plan Rory .... hope everything works out well

  16. #16
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    All I can think is the sooner the better but common sense has to prevail. The last thing I want is to be coming back here in 20 years time with no money to my name.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Good plan Rory.
    Like yourself Graham, the only thing I will miss and what will be the hardest to sell or part with will be my cars. Sometimes my wife thinks I love them more than her but if I tell her I will sell them she always says no. Lol

  18. #18
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    Oftentimes plans can get changed if one party develops strong ties to UK.
    Usually this will be family such as children and grandchildren. It gets very hard.

    Many of our friends wives have developed such ties over the years and that has significantly impacted any plans of retirement overseas.
    When the time is 'right' age and outlook play a different role.

  19. #19
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    We have a plan in place, 10 years in the UK then we are off to live in the house we bought in October. We are both just working and get as much money as we can in these 10 years. I have been over to Cebu every 6 months for the last 3 years but I have told my wife that we're only going once a year max now to save money.

    The countdown is on, 8 years and 8 months to go. That will make me 55 years young when I leave this country of ours. Everything is going to plan so far.
    good luck rory, there is only one person can stop you and that is yourself, stick to the plan , just like i am doing , just wish i was a little younger or a little richer

  20. #20
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I've no ties at all here in UK
    No family and no friends.
    Nothing holding me back..........................well except for the wife

    She's just bought yet another house in her home town to rent out.......she wants to stay here a bit longer so she can get more
    She's already planning just how I'm going to renovate them so that she can get higher rents....

    I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.......

    We made a plan before Christmas to move out this year unfortunately that got dropped due to family reasons.

    My stake is firmly planted to leave UK no later than 12 months from now. Carina knows and agrees.......
    i just wish Ems had a business head on her shoulders, it seems all she can think of is her dad and his house, which is a good thing i know,

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    All I can think is the sooner the better but common sense has to prevail. The last thing I want is to be coming back here in 20 years time with no money to my name.
    again Rory, you are on my wave length

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Oftentimes plans can get changed if one party develops strong ties to UK.
    Usually this will be family such as children and grandchildren. It gets very hard.

    Many of our friends wives have developed such ties over the years and that has significantly impacted any plans of retirement overseas.
    When the time is 'right' age and outlook play a different role.
    so far we have just the two grand kids, but in my thinking we are going to do them a favour, being in a different part of the world that gives them a chance to come and see us for free,

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rory View Post
    All I can think is the sooner the better but common sense has to prevail. The last thing I want is to be coming back here in 20 years time with no money to my name.
    watching Ben Fogle the other night about the English guy who bought his own Island in Panama, i think he spent £18k buying the Island, £30K getting his house built, £2k for his boat, and I'm sure he says he needs £7,000 a year to live off and basically his only work i think was making websites at £300 a time

    money i think is one thing you can never have enough of

    your misses is very wise Terpe

  24. #24
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i was watching the program too, it said he sold everything and got £100,000 live the high life for a few years and then he did this,
    Yes a great life for a few, but with all the 4 people that the show shown, they all had a income coming in to help survive

  25. #25
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    If I was a few years younger and had a British friend living nearby I would reconsider living in Philippines, I found it a lonely place when everyone around you is speaking there own dialect, I had to remind people that I was among them!

  26. #26
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I've no ties at all here in UK
    No family and no friends.
    Nothing holding me back..........................well except for the wife

    She's just bought yet another house in her home town to rent out.......she wants to stay here a bit longer so she can get more
    She's already planning just how I'm going to renovate them so that she can get higher rents....

    I'm ready to go at the drop of a hat.......

    We made a plan before Christmas to move out this year unfortunately that got dropped due to family reasons.

    My stake is firmly planted to leave UK no later than 12 months from now. Carina knows and agrees.......
    I'm shocked to see that you have stated you have no friends Peter, didn't think there were any members on here without friends, I'd love to give all you guys my phone number to be able to chat to someone, my phone has only rung a few times for me personally in 16 months and nearly all those calls apart from about four were from British gas, BT, Severn Trent water, Dental Hospital or wrong number!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    .....your misses is very wise Terpe
    What we're doing is shifting £ assets into Peso assets........doing it when the rates are 'good'.

    I do feel that anyone who is seriously planning to move over needs to think how to 'lock' into a different currency and economy. Cash is fragile.
    There's no-one can predict what the £/Peso exchange rate might be in the future.....say 3, 5 or 10 years from now.
    What we do hope is that one house will be worth one house ....... now and in the future.

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