Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
This one of the reasons others find it hard to get into the U.K the normal route by others abusing the system although it seems harsh but rules are rules we don,t all agree with them but they are there for a reason .If she had gone back to the philippines at the end of her visa they would,nt be in the mess they are in today.If this couple are allowed to stay it will encourage others to overstay their visas.I want my g,f to come too but I have to wait and save the money as I worked it out to be over 4 grand to get us all over money which I aint got right now as i,m finishing off my house.
all the money they've spent on failed visa apps and solicitors etc,

but i wonder if she didn't go back because of the minimum income threshold as it looks like he was unemployed at the time and it might have taken him along time to get a job, and not because of 'backlogs in Manila' which I've never heard of

you have to go by the rules, she needs entry clearance something you don't get on a student visa and you need to pay for that which is alot more than a student visa