Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
.....Going to the phils only twice and seeing not very many parts either and i know there must be loads of places that are beautiful too....
This is the weak link in your plan to 'retire' to the Paradise Islands.
Just an opinion.

I'm pretty flexible as to where I'd be happy to live. Virtually all of those places I have a liking for are places where we have friends and family. It's also very close to where we have our current 'local' income streams.

It's a very difficult decision to finalise even for those who have spent much more time there.
To be honest we haven't finalised. For me I'll probably not finalise until we've been living there for some time......even if it takes a few years.
We're lucky to have family and connections spread all over the Philippines and this gives great opportunities to 'explore' with knowlegeable locals.

I'd love to live within walking distance of a beach. I'm open to province life or city life just as long as it's a happy life.

If I'm honest I have an increasing tendency to be with easy access of good medical facilities...but that's not a deal breaker.

Both my wife and myself have spent the biggest parts of our lives out of our native country.
We both have a sense of what we want and need and how to bring the small details together.

Steve, I feel you've made a bold decision to move over.......now you need to 'design' a plan of how to achieve finding that perfect place.
It's not just about the where IMO......it's also importantly about the why and the how.
Don't set your heart and finances in stone until you've experienced more

Just my thinking