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  1. #1
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    Am just trying my luck if someone would reply on my post under this category:

    Here, am trying again to post my query... hope someone would be able to help me out and provide me valuable inputs on this matter...
    This is the situation. Ive just been here for 7 months and my husband and child who are in Manila right now are planning to apply for Dependants' Visa. Can you please help me out how you think on our application?

    Im sponsoring them, am an Analyst here in the UK... I provided my husband the ff:

    1. COVER Letter from me stating the following (thanks to this forum for I got the idea of the contents of the letter here in this site):
    a. Overview of our relationship
    b. Financial Standing / Status
    c. Accommodation
    d. Possible Child Care (I just mentioned that in case my hubby and child are granted with VISA, my hubby will attend to her first as our MAIN GOAL is to be TOGETHER...Work for my hubby is secondary yet child minder is a choice should opportunity arise)
    2. VAF-1 forms for my husband and child (since am only a 5-year work permit holder)...Please comment, we used this form With limited leave to remain for dependants of work permit holder... This is being forwarded to me by the UKVAC thru email..
    3. Bank Statements (£3K+) as of todate's balance
    4. Remittance Slips (as of todate, I have a total of £5K worth of remittance, do you it has bearing on the application at all? Just found it listed in the Guidelines)
    5. Letter from the Landlord (indicating 2 bedrooms, approval from landlord for them to stay with me and end date of lease) and Tenancy Agreement
    6. Letter from my Company stating my salary and confirmation of my employment, Employment Contracts, Relocation agreement and Work Permit and payslips and p60 even though I was only 1-2 months hired then April 2007 is the tax year right... I was hired February...
    7. Birth Cert (from NSO) of both my hubby and daughter and Marriage COntract from NSO
    8. Educational Plan of my child as one of the proofs that she's my dependent indicating im the payor and she's my scholar/dependent...
    9. Telephone bill/call cards icluded,hehehe... Emails and screen shots of chats the 3 of us had...
    10. Our family pictures...

    Aside from passport pictures and their passport and the checklist, those are the requirement that my hubby WILL BE SUBMITTING before end of this coming week in UK VAC.

    I need your input on how and what you think.

    we're so nervous since this is a MAKE or BREAK...In interviews, may I know the possible questions the ECO will raise?

    What are the chances that the interview is no longer required?

    I would appreciate answers based on recent experiences since there comes a lot of changes in the UK Embassy ruling ???? Am not so sure...

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You've posted it AGAIN!!!!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    JAMZ keep posting the same topic will lose members of interest on replying to your questions.

    If you have a problem about using the forum just contact the Admin or Mods, I'm sure they will be pleased to help you.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
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    Hi Admin/Mods,

    I have no choice but beg and ask you to just delete redundant messages I posted, even this thread if possible. Sorry again... Will just read the forum in this site instead...


  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Sounds like you can support them both in the Uk with your savings and proof of remittance. You have suitable accomdation. You have proof its a real relationship.

    I don't know much about dpendants visas but if its anything like the Spouse visa which we applied for the evidence your providing sounds like it will suffice.

    ps like others have said sadly a lot of us dumb brits only speak English and very little tagalog (or only spoken tagalog ie when speaking to family in phill etc)
    For a quicker response from the brit percentage it maybe better to post in English as our brains take a while to treanslate the tagalog.

    Good luck with this application im sure it will be fine we have all been there with the desperate to be together situation so know what its like.

    Hang around on here and meet the people im sure they will help not just with the application but share the feelings you have at the moment.

    Remeber a problem shared is a problem halved.

    Ps tell us all more about your sitaution, where you are in the UK and from in Phill im sure people will be from similar areas.

  6. #6
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    Hi Andypaul, thanks for the reply. It is well-appreciated.

    Actually, i initially got confused with the Spouse Visa and the Dependant's Visa. It's just that when UKVAC forwarded me the VAF-1 form for the Dependants of a Work Permit holder, there is only one box / choice there pertaining to the family and that's Dependants of a Work Permit Holder so I just ticked that box.

    Maybe, Spouse Visa is intended for those sponsors with Settlement Visa??? Am not so sure... Because I am a Non-Settlement Visa holder (work permit) and it only lasts for 5 years unless renewed by my Company.

    Honestly, my husband and I are nervous. We do not want to be complacent with the application even though some people think that I have a good job and a simple yet comfortable living here in the UK.

    I really enjoy reading all the posts here... Even those love stories about other brits falling in love with other Filipinas... I was really surprised because as a Filipina, I thought most of the Brits think that most of the Filipinas are just opportunists - because I must admit that there are few who really are such but I should also stress that there are a lot more Filipinas who really are educated, decent and reputable.

    Any more feedbacks guys on how you think of our application are very welcome. Just want to know if we miss anything or if there are things you may want to note. My husband's appointment in submitting the application is fast approaching...

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    I think you have the correct form.

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Relax jamz i know its hard to do when in this situation like i said before many have been there or are there at the moment.
    The visa people looking for 4 major elements
    1the right of ur hubby and daughter to come here well they do. they are dependant on you.
    2 you have proof they are related to you.
    3you can support them financially 3k in the bank and remittance sent back.
    4 and lastly you can accomdate them within the requirments the brit goverment expect..

  9. #9
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    1. Are dependants allowed to work in the UK?

    2. If yes, is it ok that, if my husband is given the chance to be interviewed by an ECO in the Embassy and will be asked if he has plans of working in the UK, he tells that we are not closing the door for him of working and helping me also (but in a part-time basis since he will attend to our child in daytime and after work from office, I will be in charge)...

    Is it ok to be frank on this?

    Coz if he says no, that he has no plan, will we not sound so unrealistic? I prefer to tell that he is not closing the possibility...What do you think?

    If no, can you please help me and throw me possible answers to this question?

    Thanks a lot in advance for the help.

    Warm regards,

  10. #10
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post

    1. Are dependants allowed to work in the UK?

    2. If yes, is it ok that, if my husband is given the chance to be interviewed by an ECO in the Embassy and will be asked if he has plans of working in the UK, he tells that we are not closing the door for him of working and helping me also (but in a part-time basis since he will attend to our child in daytime and after work from office, I will be in charge)...

    Is it ok to be frank on this?

    Coz if he says no, that he has no plan, will we not sound so unrealistic? I prefer to tell that he is not closing the possibility...What do you think?

    If no, can you please help me and throw me possible answers to this question?

    Thanks a lot in advance for the help.

    Warm regards,

    Yes, dependant like spouse are allowed to work in the UK. I knew someone who got a dependant visa and working part time in M&S, so I think it is possible.

    I think if he is ask on the embassy regarding if he wanted to work in the UK. Just say, if he is allowed to by the UK law, why not.

    If I remember it right, before I came here, I was interviewed for fiancee visa and they asked me if I had plans of working in the UK, I replied and said it depends if I am allowed to or not. And I got the visa! Of course I was not allowed to work until we got married

    Its better to tell them frankly, and tell the truth. Goodluck and hopefully they will be here soon

  11. #11
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    Excellent! Thanks Gie for the input.

  12. #12
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Many of the nurses other halfs work and they are on dependant visas so yes he can.

    They want if its legal to as many people working as more taxes paid the more the goverment can waste on their mp pensions.

  13. #13
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    If that's the case, do I need to mention also in the Sponsor's Letter about possibility of getting a certified Child Minder in case my husband finds work?

    My husband has solid experience working in Hotels as Manager, and we just plan that in case given the chance, he will just grab an opportunity to work part-time at night to be able to attend to our daughter during daytime. My work ends at half 4 or 5PM.

    By then, that simple arrangement between my husband and I are clear for now but havent really prioritised of getting a Child Minder since we do not want others but us parents only to look over our child since we are just starting. But, I have asked around about this stuff for my own information and has already idea about this.

    In any case, we disclosed as well that we will be sending our daughter to school when we feel we had spotted the right/best school for our child - in terms of distance and all.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post

    If that's the case, do I need to mention also in the Sponsor's Letter about possibility of getting a certified Child Minder in case my husband finds work?

    My husband has solid experience working in Hotels as Manager, and we just plan that in case given the chance, he will just grab an opportunity to work part-time at night to be able to attend to our daughter during daytime. My work ends at half 4 or 5PM.

    By then, that simple arrangement between my husband and I are clear for now but havent really prioritised of getting a Child Minder since we do not want others but us parents only to look over our child since we are just starting. But, I have asked around about this stuff for my own information and has already idea about this.

    In any case, we disclosed as well that we will be sending our daughter to school when we feel we had spotted the right/best school for our child - in terms of distance and all.
    If they asks I dont think you need to tell them. My son will be in Nursery on January, its good to meet other babies/ kids for them, to learn how to interact with different people. Dont think you need to tell them unless they asks.
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  15. #15
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    Hi Gie,

    I just had that thought because when I looked at the checklist/guidelines for a work permit holder getting his/her dependants to UK, it mentions something about details of child care.

    I have this idea that if ever I feed the Embassy all the necessary info they need on my Cover Letter as the Sponsor, this may save time in processing (and may put me into danger as well, the less u talk the less mistake u commit . )

    Well, i did not mention anymore about Child Minder thing in the letter but just said that it would be I and my husband who will be managing all the tasks for our child by dividing hours. Whew!!! No idea!!! Wwwwaaaahhhhh!!!! Hehehe...

  16. #16
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    Hi All,

    My husband paid additional Php450 to the UKVAC this morning for the mailing of the documents back after the result has been finalised.

    Anyone here who knows if it is possible to track the results online?


  17. #17
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    Hi Gie,

    I just had that thought because when I looked at the checklist/guidelines for a work permit holder getting his/her dependants to UK, it mentions something about details of child care.

    I have this idea that if ever I feed the Embassy all the necessary info they need on my Cover Letter as the Sponsor, this may save time in processing (and may put me into danger as well, the less u talk the less mistake u commit . )

    Well, i did not mention anymore about Child Minder thing in the letter but just said that it would be I and my husband who will be managing all the tasks for our child by dividing hours. Whew!!! No idea!!! Wwwwaaaahhhhh!!!! Hehehe...
    Hi Jamz,

    Just stick to what you said (sharing the tasks with your husband in taking care of your child). Yep, less talk, less mistake, its better that way. Lolz! Php450 wasnt bad. If I remember it right, I paid the same on the service plus Php28K for fiancee visa fee

    Anyways, I hope they will be here soon
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

  18. #18
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi Jamz,

    about the tracking of the document..u cannot track it online anymore since the UKVACS change it website..

    we can only send them an email and call them for follow-ups(but it cost 30 something per minute)..

    goodluck on ur husband and daughter's application..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gie View Post
    Hi Jamz,

    Just stick to what you said (sharing the tasks with your husband in taking care of your child). Yep, less talk, less mistake, its better that way. Lolz! Php450 wasnt bad. If I remember it right, I paid the same on the service plus Php28K for fiancee visa fee

    Anyways, I hope they will be here soon
    Thanks Gie!

    Oh no! This is it...The waiting time...The hardest part of the process...As much as possible, I dont wanna be pessimistic about so nervous...Am now on the same shoes as others had in the past here in the forum... I really dont know how to comfort myself...Am glad that Ive found this forum, at least I feel like am not alone...Imagine, I am here in my apartment all by myself, after office, I just go straight home so too much thinking is really unavoidable...Whew!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimmi View Post
    hi Jamz,

    about the tracking of the document..u cannot track it online anymore since the UKVACS change it website..

    we can only send them an email and call them for follow-ups(but it cost 30 something per minute)..

    goodluck on ur husband and daughter's application..
    Hi Kimmi,

    Thanks for that info...I just dont understand why they downgraded the system of tracking the progress of the application considering they raised the visa fees already by more than 100% (almost) Kidding! Before (11months ago), when I applied to UKVACS, I was stunned that I got my Visa for 5 working days including the delivery and I was able to track the progress


    Anyway, this is intended for all, just want to know if anyone here concerned about the hearsays I have gotten about the VISA for Dependants...

    There are talks (from other Filipina Nurses I have spoken to) that starting end of the month of October, the British Embassy in Manila will be tightening up the procedures/requirements that the sponsor must be in the UK at least TWO YEARS before they will be able to get their families here. I do not know when that would take effect but according to talks, it will be implemented late this not sure if next month or in December, am not so sure...These are just hearsays...I do not know really how true... Anyway, most of the people here are applying for Spouse or Fiance Visas so this won't affect you at all especially when your Fiance is a Brit.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Did you say end of October? oh no! hopefully your husband and your daughter will have their visa before the end of the month. Dont worry too much, they will be here soon, ok?
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  21. #21
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    Hi Gie,

    It sounds impossible for us in case the change will still cover my husband's and daughter's application however, I am thinking that if the hearsays are true, I will appeal that on the day we submitted the application, they haven't made such announcement yet... I think those applicants who will apply by the time the Brit Embassy posts the announcement should and would have been the ones affected... Yet, it's not confirmed yet...Am just hoping for the best...

    Common, convince me to be optimistic...

  22. #22
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    Hi Gie,

    It sounds impossible for us in case the change will still cover my husband's and daughter's application however, I am thinking that if the hearsays are true, I will appeal that on the day we submitted the application, they haven't made such announcement yet... I think those applicants who will apply by the time the Brit Embassy posts the announcement should and would have been the ones affected... Yet, it's not confirmed yet...Am just hoping for the best...

    Common, convince me to be optimistic...

    Im sure your all be ok you have prepared well so don't worry

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Im sure your all be ok you have prepared well so don't worry
    Hi Andypaul,

    My friend has plan of sponsoring his fiancee...The scenario is this: He has a bank account and has savings of £5K of which £3.5K CANNOT be withdrawn and £1.5K CAN be withdrawn...It's like £3.5K is agreed to be deposited in a year w/o the chance of being withdrawn and the money available for withdrawal is just about £1.5K....Any idea if there is an issue on this case?

    I promised him to ask that question here in the forum..


  24. #24
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Im no expert but can't see it affecting the Eco decisions if everything else is in order. All they would do i guess is show they have savings of 5 thousand pounds the ECO is hardly going to delve that deep into the ins and outs of each accounts people hold.
    If they are fincially sound otherwise, have adqueate accomdation and can show the relationship is a loving one i would think they are ok.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Im no expert but can't see it affecting the Eco decisions if everything else is in order. All they would do i guess is show they have savings of 5 thousand pounds the ECO is hardly going to delve that deep into the ins and outs of each accounts people hold.
    If they are fincially sound otherwise, have adqueate accomdation and can show the relationship is a loving one i would think they are ok.
    Yep, I know, just wanna hear your side on this, thanks for the input...

  26. #26
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Yep you could appeal on that but I'm keeping my fingers crossed here I bet you miss them, dont worry too much sis it'll be fine
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  27. #27
    Respected Member mhynne's Avatar
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    may i know if the news that you got only refers to migrants there? bec my husband is british born in the UK.. but has been travelling for a year when i met him..he has just been back in the UK working again for a year now... so the news of the 2 years settling in the UK kinda got to me.. hope to hear from anyone.. thanks

  28. #28
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhynne View Post
    may i know if the news that you got only refers to migrants there? bec my husband is british born in the UK.. but has been travelling for a year when i met him..he has just been back in the UK working again for a year now... so the news of the 2 years settling in the UK kinda got to me.. hope to hear from anyone.. thanks
    If he is british born and holds a british passport then you should have no problems with regards to this matter.

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    That is just a hearsay and I no longer want to support that idea because I am pretty sure that if ever that is true, that is going to be posted in UK website.

    In your case, you have nothing to worry I guess because he is Brit born in the first place.

  30. #30
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    thanks for the info =)

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