Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
This is a poster who understands the world.

When a young Filipina meets an old western guy then romance becomes a transaction. Anyone who has at least a nodding acquaintance with reality will figure this out. But for those who believe they have found true love? - well there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see. Have a good day.
I don't think this statement is fair. A "young Filipina"? How about young British lady, or a young lad.

I knew some Filipinas who stick with their man. That's because of "marriage of convenience" and "living in contentment" is what in their minds and get to love the person a long the way.

You do really get people change after marriage, that's why the divorce/separation/annulment. It doesn't only happens in this country.

When respect and loyalty is no longer there in the union why stay? For the sake of the child? Poor child to grow up with such chaos.