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Thread: Do all filipina's brought to uk act like this??

  1. #211
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    This is a poster who understands the world.

    When a young Filipina meets an old western guy then romance becomes a transaction. Anyone who has at least a nodding acquaintance with reality will figure this out. But for those who believe they have found true love? - well there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see. Have a good day.
    After living here in the R.P for a fair while,I have got to know 100`s of couples that also live here with wide and varying age differences.

    From my observation they seem to live happy lives for the most part with a pretty obvious real love of each other.. I`m trying to think back but cannot for the life of me think of a single couple that have split up.. So that must be a good thing.

    In the UK,I know of 100`s of white couples with similar ages and can think easily of many that have split up, divorced, abusive relationship etc etc..

    So not such a good thing IMO..

    In conclusion I think that even if it is a financial trade off that breaks the ice between two people (not always the case) and they then go on to live happy lives then its a simple case of JOB DONE!!
    Whats the problem?

    Actually, what I really mean is....What is your problem?

  2. #212
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I for one isn't like that. Apart from wanting some new clothes and shoes sometimes, and dining out now and again, I don't ask anything from my hubby with regards to money and such. I always just wait what he can offer/give me but never demand. We don't have much anyway.

    Anyway, I'm sorry if you are experiencing things like that. Does your wife work? Maybe you can tell her to work for things she wants!
    We are on the same boat Rayna. As much as I like being a housewife, I can't help thinking if I am a burden to Mark... you know the feeling when you used to own and spend it with no guilt because you work for it.

    Now have to forget the luxuries of weekly pampering in the spa .. hahaha

    Life in the UK huh? But we love our man that's the best bit of living here.
    Life as we make it

  3. #213
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    Where did i go wrong

  4. #214
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    This is a poster who understands the world.

    When a young Filipina meets an old western guy then romance becomes a transaction. Anyone who has at least a nodding acquaintance with reality will figure this out. But for those who believe they have found true love? - well there are none so blind as those who do not wish to see. Have a good day.
    I don't think this statement is fair. A "young Filipina"? How about young British lady, or a young lad.

    I knew some Filipinas who stick with their man. That's because of "marriage of convenience" and "living in contentment" is what in their minds and get to love the person a long the way.

    You do really get people change after marriage, that's why the divorce/separation/annulment. It doesn't only happens in this country.

    When respect and loyalty is no longer there in the union why stay? For the sake of the child? Poor child to grow up with such chaos.
    Life as we make it

  5. #215
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I don't this statement is fair. A "young Filipina"? How about young British lady, or a young lad.

    I knew some Filipinas who stick with their man. That's because of "marriage of convenience" and "living in contentment" is what in their minds and get to love the person a long the way.

    You do really get people change after marriage, that's why the divorce/separation/annulment. It doesn't only happens in this country.

    When respect and loyalty is no longer there in the union why stay? For the sake of the child? Poor child to grow up with such chaos.
    Totally agree purple 100%.

    Maybe the person who wrote this has had a bad experience or maybe is just a sad person who does not like to see others happy.

    I am lucky to have found a genuine filipina who I have known 2 and a half years and love and respect more and more as each day passes.

    Herself never asks me for anything I just give but she has a beautiful soul and has given me much more than I could have wished for and that is our gorgeous little boy...

  6. #216
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” plus “I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.”
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  7. #217
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    Who's unhappy, Moy?

  8. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” plus “I think happiness is what makes you pretty. Period. Happy people are beautiful. They become like a mirror and they reflect that happiness.”
    But I'm really happy.

    How come I still see a wrinkled up old man in the mirror then ?

  9. #219
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Who's unhappy, Moy?
    Emm anyone who is unhappy :-P lols
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  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    But I'm really happy.

    How come I still see a wrinkled up old man in the mirror then ?
    Because bloody wrinkled doesnt connect to happiness or any emotion ;-) :-P only one thing I'm sure you are getting tiguwang:-D haha
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

  11. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    After living here in the R.P for a fair while,I have got to know 100`s of couples that also live here with wide and varying age differences.

    From my observation they seem to live happy lives for the most part with a pretty obvious real love of each other.. I`m trying to think back but cannot for the life of me think of a single couple that have split up.. So that must be a good thing.

    In the UK,I know of 100`s of white couples with similar ages and can think easily of many that have split up, divorced, abusive relationship etc etc..

    So not such a good thing IMO..

    In conclusion I think that even if it is a financial trade off that breaks the ice between two people (not always the case) and they then go on to live happy lives then its a simple case of JOB DONE!!
    Whats the problem?

    Actually, what I really mean is....What is your problem?
    I think this a forum where the members can express their opinions and recount their experiences. Because I have a different view from yours do you think that you should be challenging my views with the phrase "What is your problem?" I doubt very much that you have got to know "100s of couples" with wide age differences who live here and that none have split up. You clearly fabricate data to support a very poor argument. Do not be so confrontational as it only undermines your very weak case.
    "What if this is as good as it gets?"

  12. #222
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I'm very happy and also my lovely wife is very happy, that's why nobody notices our age gap and it's the largest age gap on this forum, I think!

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I'm very happy and also my lovely wife is very happy, that's why nobody notices our age gap and it's the largest age gap on this forum, I think!
    Yep, I think so Michael don't blow trumpets on street corners either as do the hypocrites. You've done it and been there.

  14. #224
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    As Sentinent states, at best we can only recount our experiences and unfortunately mine isn't that good. It doesn't make us wrong, right, sad or merchants of doom. ..we're just saying it is what it is. :-)

  15. #225
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    What personal experiences has sentinent recounted ?

  16. #226
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    you are right Mark as you say , it is what it is, but it was Sentinent saying all those that believe they have found love are fools, just because it may have not worked for others or they are a glutton for punishment and keep going back for more, dont tar us all with the same brush is what we ask

  17. #227
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  18. #228
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    I think this a forum where the members can express their opinions and recount their experiences. Because I have a different view from yours do you think that you should be challenging my views with the phrase"What is your problem?" I doubt very much that you have got to know "100s of couples" with wide age differences who live here and that none have split up. You clearly fabricate data to support a very poor argument. Do not be so confrontational as it only undermines your very weak case.
    I can only see one person as confrontational here.

    I don't mind peoples views but to actually say the things you have said is quite insulting to those who have actually found some happiness in life, certainly negative comments come to mind.


    Western/Western Divorce Rate more than 50%

    In California USA 70%

    American average 57%

    Western/Filipino/Asian Divorce Rate 20%

    (Data supplied by the US Census Bureau)

    Rant Over...

  19. #229
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    I can only see one person as confrontational here.

    I don't mind peoples views but to actually say the things you have said is quite insulting to those who have actually found some happiness in life, certainly negative comments come to mind.


    Western/Western Divorce Rate more than 50%

    In California USA 70%

    American average 57%

    Western/Filipino/Asian Divorce Rate 20%

    (Data supplied by the US Census Bureau)

    Rant Over...
    So a young Filipina is going to commit to an old white man? That is how the contra argument goes on this thread.

    So what is the young Filipina attracted to? The boyish good looks? The dashing style? No. Of course not. She is looking for someone (anyone in truth) who will support her (and usually her extended family also). It is not that I do not have sympathy with the geriatric guys who fall for the "you have good heart" line. It is easy to lose 30 years of age on the plane ride over to Phils. You arrive in Phils as Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Filipinas are wonderful at convincing you that you are everything they are looking for. When ALL they are looking for is to get out of Phils pronto or to find someone to take them and their families out of the abject poverty they endure in the Philippines.

    So I repeat my opening contribution to this thread. When there is a wide age gap between a white guy and a Filipina then affection becomes a transaction. Those of you who are in such a relationship can continue to delude yourselves as much as you wish. Those of you who feel you want to get aggressive or insulting can do so. But I am only being realistic.

    If there was an Olympic event for subterfuge then Filipinas would win hands down every four years.

    And I am not speaking as someone who has suffered at the hands of a Filipina. I am speaking as someone who lives on this planet. I have had relationships with Filipinas. And, in their more reflective moments, they will openly accept that they go with much older white guys solely for financial security.
    "What if this is as good as it gets?"

  20. #230
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I think this a forum where the members can express their opinions and recount their experiences.
    Thats correct and IMO you have a problem! Its my view/"opinion"...

    You clearly fabricate data to support a very poor argument. Do not be so confrontational as it only undermines your very weak case.
    Why would I need to fabricate data? I`m not arguing with you and I have no case to answer.
    Just sharing my personal observations from both countries over the last 35 years.
    Do you think it unusual to encounter 100`s of different couples in that time frame?
    Perhaps you need to get out more!!

  21. #231
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    We're all dooooomed !

  22. #232
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    So a young Filipina is going to commit to an old white man? That is how the contra argument goes on this thread.

    So what is the young Filipina attracted to? The boyish good looks? The dashing style? No. Of course not. She is looking for someone (anyone in truth) who will support her (and usually her extended family also). It is not that I do not have sympathy with the geriatric guys who fall for the "you have good heart" line. It is easy to lose 30 years of age on the plane ride over to Phils. You arrive in Phils as Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Filipinas are wonderful at convincing you that you are everything they are looking for. When ALL they are looking for is to get out of Phils pronto or to find someone to take them and their families out of the abject poverty they endure in the Philippines.

    So I repeat my opening contribution to this thread. When there is a wide age gap between a white guy and a Filipina then affection becomes a transaction. Those of you who are in such a relationship can continue to delude yourselves as much as you wish. Those of you who feel you want to get aggressive or insulting can do so. But I am only being realistic.

    If there was an Olympic event for subterfuge then Filipinas would win hands down every four years.

    And I am not speaking as someone who has suffered at the hands of a Filipina. I am speaking as someone who lives on this planet. I have had relationships with Filipinas. And, in their more reflective moments, they will openly accept that they go with much older white guys solely for financial security.
    Personally my wife was classed as a middle class filipina living in a 3 bedroom home with her family who managed to look after their family without handouts but money from work.

    She also owns land there for investment for our sons future.

    She acclaimed this long before we met and has never asked me for one penny.

    She is very successful in her own right with a university degree second to none.

    She is a missionary to help those who have suffered the most pain and suffering anybody could ever imagine.

    As a nurse I see what she has to give, I see whats inside her heart, I feel and know what she has to offer.

    She could have had money - in fact a marriage to a Senator's son - but she was not happy.

    Whoopee doo, lucky me! I got lucky but I suppose I see inside a person and feel the real thing.

    Mmm am I happy, God, you bet I am, hope you are too take care and god bless

  23. #233
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Very young guy at 43 for my baby 25. God sentinent, if this is Heaven I am blessed; if this is hell, well I'm loving it

  24. #234
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    You clearly fabricate data to support a very poor argument. Do not be so confrontational as it only undermines your very weak case.
    May the record reflect…

    I,ve just checked this guy`s profile..
    Apparently he`s a retired solicitor!!

  25. #235
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  26. #236
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    So a young Filipina is going to commit to an old white man? That is how the contra argument goes on this thread.

    So what is the young Filipina attracted to? The boyish good looks? The dashing style? No. Of course not. She is looking for someone (anyone in truth) who will support her (and usually her extended family also). It is not that I do not have sympathy with the geriatric guys who fall for the "you have good heart" line. It is easy to lose 30 years of age on the plane ride over to Phils. You arrive in Phils as Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Filipinas are wonderful at convincing you that you are everything they are looking for. When ALL they are looking for is to get out of Phils pronto or to find someone to take them and their families out of the abject poverty they endure in the Philippines.

    So I repeat my opening contribution to this thread. When there is a wide age gap between a white guy and a Filipina then affection becomes a transaction. Those of you who are in such a relationship can continue to delude yourselves as much as you wish. Those of you who feel you want to get aggressive or insulting can do so. But I am only being realistic.
    I met my other half in London, she'd been here 5 years before we met. She earns more than I do, and believe me I'm no Brad Pitt or George Clooney.

    She must be

  27. #237
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentinent View Post
    So a young Filipina is going to commit to an old white man? That is how the contra argument goes on this thread.

    So what is the young Filipina attracted to? The boyish good looks? The dashing style? No. Of course not. She is looking for someone (anyone in truth) who will support her (and usually her extended family also). It is not that I do not have sympathy with the geriatric guys who fall for the "you have good heart" line. It is easy to lose 30 years of age on the plane ride over to Phils. You arrive in Phils as Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Filipinas are wonderful at convincing you that you are everything they are looking for. When ALL they are looking for is to get out of Phils pronto or to find someone to take them and their families out of the abject poverty they endure in the Philippines.

    So I repeat my opening contribution to this thread. When there is a wide age gap between a white guy and a Filipina then affection becomes a transaction. Those of you who are in such a relationship can continue to delude yourselves as much as you wish. Those of you who feel you want to get aggressive or insulting can do so. But I am only being realistic.

    If there was an Olympic event for subterfuge then Filipinas would win hands down every four years.

    And I am not speaking as someone who has suffered at the hands of a Filipina. I am speaking as someone who lives on this planet. I have had relationships with Filipinas. And, in their more reflective moments, they will openly accept that they go with much older white guys solely for financial security.
    Tread very carefully Sentinent!

  28. #238
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    So I repeat my opening contribution to this thread. When there is a wide age gap between a white guy and a Filipina then affection becomes a transaction. Those of you who are in such a relationship can continue to delude yourselves as much as you wish. Those of you who feel you want to get aggressive or insulting can do so. But I am only being realistic.

    yep. thats how i see my situation. she was open and upfront about her intentions.

  29. #239
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
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  30. #240
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    My girlfriend (who is a member of this forum) was too upset and angry to reply to this thread.

    Thanks for your contribution to international relations 'Sentinent'.

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