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Thread: Filipina workers ill prepared for life in the UAE, says study

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Filipina workers ill prepared for life in the UAE, says study

    i'll stop in a bit, Muslim morals like raping and beating their maids, paying them little, not giving them time off, holding their passport etc, i think they need to read my posts in this section

    Filipina maids need more morality education and Arabic lessons before coming to the UAE, a study of migrant workers has found.

    It also found that many Filipinos come to the UAE simply for money and give little thought to the country until they get here. Many don’t know that they will be jailed if they become pregnant out of wedlock and are not used to Muslim morals.

    read more here ..

  2. #2
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    The question is, what the answer? With so many maids queuing in droves outside recruitment agencies in Manila begging for a job, how do you make them understand it isn't all roses.
    I think the majority do end up with a fairly good lifestyle, but the minority can end up in some pretty dire situations.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I think the majority do end up with a fairly good lifestyle, but the minority can end up in some pretty dire situations.
    but as there are 100,000s of maids that minority is a pretty large number,. and not all maids will report abuse for a number of reasons (too scared, need the money etc)

  4. #4
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    Agreed, even where I live which is a generally much more peaceful with better/more favourable laws then the UAE, we still see the results of abuse in the news. Stories of maids raped and left to die in the desert... What an awful death and only an animal could do that...
    My wife's cousin is working as a maid for a family here and is well looked after with excellent conditions, but her and the other maids are only given one day off a month and not allowed out in the evenings, which is actually against the labour code and is something that if she took to the labour courts here, she would without a doubt win. But she says that she is happy earning money and doesn't want to rock the boat...

    I still wonder what the solution is, but yes, something needs to happen.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i post the horror stories, so hopefully any filipina's thinking of becoming maids will realise for some its not a bed of roses

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