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Thread: Pocket accountant: 10 best money saving apps

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Pocket accountant: 10 best money saving apps

    Want to keep track of your spending, cut bills or find the best deals? Try these......

    1. Vouchercloud

    This app uses GPS to find the nearest deals – for anything from restaurant to beauty treatments to car insurance. Vouchers are downloaded to your phone.
    Free on iphone
    Free on Android

    2. Moneywiz

    This handy app puts all your bank accounts, budgets and transactions in one place. You can also set reminders for bill payments.
    £2.99 for iphone and mac
    Coming to Android later this month.

    3. Mysuperlist

    This app lets you create an online list and compare totals across more than 3,000 UK stores. You can also scan barcodes using your camera to compare products.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android

    4. Goodbudget

    Monitor monthly budgets by setting up allowances for the likes of groceries, transport or going out. There are also long-term budget “envelopes” for those bigger goals. The free version syncs between two devices; a premium one (£3.66) syncs across five.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android

    5. Meter readings

    A handy tool to monitor household energy consumption. Enter the data from your energy bills, see your weekly spending and compare prices across suppliers.
    £1.49 for iphone
    £1.49 for Android

    6. Loyalli

    This app lets you scan quick-response smartphone barcodes and “stamp” a virtual loyalty card in its 600-plus signed-up retailers. When the card is full, you can claim your freebie. Students take note: Loyalli’s now at a number of uni campuses.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android

    7. Azimo

    Dialling 0845, 0800 or 0870 numbers can by costly. Using this app, type in your 08 number and it diverts to a landline 01 or 02 number that can be included in your monthly bill. A new update for iOS 7 is coming soon, as is an Android update later in the year.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android

    8. Crystal Head

    Transfer money to any bank account in over 190 countries. You just register and enter the details of the bank account the sum is payable to. The app is free to download, but once registered it charges a flat rate of £5 per transaction and a 1 per cent commission – a fraction of the cost of what it would be when using money-transfer services or banks.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android

    9. Fuel Economy Calculator

    As fuel prices continue to rise, this is a smart and quick way to log your refills at petrol stations and monitor your consumption. You can record and calculate your expenses for your car or motorcycle, and plan ahead for prices on upcoming long journeys.
    £0.69 for iPhone and iPad

    10. Onavo Extend

    If you’re constantly running over your monthly data allowance, Onavo compresses and extends your internet data plan by connecting your smartphone to a cloud-based technology and reducing the amount of megabytes each app uses.
    Free for iphone
    Free for Android


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    I haven't yet tried any of these so can't comment on their usefulness

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
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    number 1 for me is deep pockets

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