That was what I said when Harlene told me the price of the food for the wedding reception.

I had been doing my sums all morning and had done a breakdown of what I still have to pay for for the wedding and what has already been paid.
Showed Harlene and asked if I had forgotten anything? she said I hadn't put down the cost of the food for the reception.... I asked how much and she said 120,000 peso I stuck it in the currency converter and almost fell of my chair when it came in at around £1600 (couldn't find one falling off a chair!)
She reckons we will have 300 guests from the village coming.... that need feeding! Now her family is well known in her village so naturally everyone wants to come! I just hope they enjoy the food. It seems very high cost to me and Harlene doesn't know for sure the actual cost (I have asked her to find out) also she said that people in her village are preparing and cooking the food so obviously it is them I am paying....

Now I have the money (had to do a bit of shuffling funds about!) but it seems bloody high for a bit of food.... But then I suppose if you were feeding 300 people here at a conservative price of say £10 a head that would be double the price I suppose. Although here I wouldn't have 300 people I don't know coming to my wedding! But obviously they do things different in Philippines