Hello there Martin and Aileen, a warm welcome aboard Filipino UK

May I suggest you e-mail your complaint to: feedback.ukph@vfshelpline.com Please mark your email to the attention of the duty manager

In all cases please provide:
your name;
telephone number; and
a clear description of your complaint and as much detail of names, dates, places and other background as possible.

If you are a visa applicant, please also provide:
your date of birth
the type of application
any application reference number(s)

We will take your complaint seriously, and will try to provide a full reply within 2 working days. If we cannot give you a full reply within this time, we will tell you when we expect to do so and keep you up to date with progress.

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our response, you can escalate your complaint to the British Embassy
I'd additionally suggest making a complaint to the Embassy Manila Hub requesting urgent response.

Here's some high level points of contact:-

Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
UK Border Agency
British Embassy
120 Upper McKinley Road
Taguig City 1634
Metro Manila

Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
FTN: 8411 2235
Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120
Web: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

Trevor Lewis - Deputy Head of Mission
British Embassy Manila
120 Upper McKinley Road
McKinley Hill
Taguig City 1634
Metro Manila, Philippines

Telephone +63 2 858 2200
Email: ukinthephilippines@fco.gov.uk

Asif Ahmad - British Ambassador to the Philippines
British Embassy Manila
120 Upper McKinley Road
McKinley Hill
Taguig City 1634
Metro Manila, Philippines

Telephone +63 2 858 2200
Email: ukinthephilippines@fco.gov.uk

Good luck for swift resolution and please do let us have an update.