Last minute emergency question guys! Given that I'm flying to Manila, right into the path of Hagupit tomorrow and have an appointment on Friday at the Embassy, when filling out the affidavit how precise do we need to be? Particularly in the :-
"A marriage is proposed to be solemnised between me and (name and surname of partner) of (usual address) a (nationality of partner) National at (place of marriage) on (date of marriage)."
Are we talking full full address or just Quezon City for (place of marriage)? Also on the date is a guess good enough? We're meeting the judge on Wednesday so I can probably get the rest of the info then and amend and reprint the form if its wrong.
The mother in law is saying the judge has quoted 15kphp for the marriage ceremony and all the relevant paper works and licences, so I can see it being an expensive week
Thanks again for all the advice![]()