Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
It's not quite as bad as you might think Arthur ......worth taking a nice stroll along the canal side and passing by those windows

Very safe and quite 'touristy'. Quite an experience for that 10 minute walk.
Yes ... I've had "the tour", Peter - about 8 years ago. Merely as a passer~by, you understand! But somehow, I couldn't help feeling rather sorry for these young girls sitting staring forlornly
(or so it seemed to me, anyway) through those windows.

Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Here's wishing you and Myrna a wonderful break.......those bulbfields are spectacular
Thanks ... I'll bet they are ... we're really looking forward to the experience.

Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
If you have time I can highly recommend a canal cruise.
Y'know, I would've loved that. Alas ... ... we're going too early in the season for the canal cruises.