I think the country of the phillipines has had a bit of a bad press. The country should be a major tourist destation from the UK. It is a English speaking, christain country with a fairly western style way of living compared to many of its neighbours in the south east asia region.

While in Boracay i did see white couples and families who had come out there along with Korean and japanese families. But not many, while thousands go to thailand and are not concerned.

I think opnions are changing two mates independently of me one has a thai wife and the other a fillpino girlfriend who went to meet recently.
In our group of friends none of our mates blinked an eyelid as others have had polish, french and girlfriends from all over come to think of it.
I think a lot of the negative press comes from Western women who come out with the passport comments etc. Male friends will sometimes advise you to be wary etc but once they see your happy are happy for you. They are more concerned if the relationship affects you watching football or going down the pub.