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Thread: Just taken dodgy drug dealer to Rochdale!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Just taken dodgy drug dealer to Rochdale!

    So this morning I was head of rank, could see a scrote further down trying to negotiate a bargain - driver was having none of it and sent him to me!

    'How much to Rochdale Gadge?' were his words
    He said he had £45 quid (100 mile round trip) I said £70 thinking that would get rid of him - but no he produced it and got in.

    Set off, then I realised I needed extra fuel. So had the embarrassment of pulling into a filling station to top up

    Took my keys with me so as to retain taxi

    Anyway, continued journey and I said 'Were ya locked up for the night?' He answered 'yes how d'ya know?'

    Was not his fault of course!

    In these situations it's best to humour them coz with it being daytime I had no ahem implement if attacked (normally have a screwdriver)
    Anyway he told me he did bit of this 'n' that involving drugs - nice.

    As we got close he told me to forget my sat nav - he knows shortcut

    Luckily we turned onto deluxe (not) ....-hole housing estate and he said wait there while I get some more money.

    Now the obvious thing is to drive off but he wanted taking home from his mates and was gonna give me a tenner for short journey (helps with the Tiger slush fund)

    He came back grinning with about 20 £20 notes in his hand!

    Anyway got in took him to his destination whereupon he got out and said it's 'Coke Time' (I'm a pepsi man myself)

    Got me extra dosh and sped home

    This is always the type of job I tell others not to take on but as it was daytime I gambled and got away with it but that was an uneasy job - he looked handy.

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Interesting...why not tell it to the police? Maybe they would be interested in this guys activities and it might end up with him being arrested.

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Interesting...why not tell it to the police? Maybe they would be interested in this guys activities and it might end up with him being arrested.
    Done that before to be honest, trouble is he just got out near some lights so don't know where he lives.

  4. #4
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    The police would have given him a warning.

    It seems that drug taking and dealing is not of much interest these days.

  5. #5
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The police would have given him a warning.

    It seems that drug taking and dealing is not of much interest these days.
    He said everyone in Rochdale does coke on a night out - I can believe him

  6. #6
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    He sounds a right scumbag. Did you spot any Muslim groomers Les as you hot footed it out of town

  7. #7
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    He sounds a right scumbag. Did you spot any Muslim groomers Les as you hot footed it out of town
    Drove too fast to see - everything was a blur

  8. #8
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    Sorry for the off-topic.......he could be on a good night tonight.....Rochdale are playing Portsmouth.

    Rochdale might well win tonight which would be a big nail in the coffin for Pompey languishing at the foot of Div 2
    What an unbelievable story that is for Portsmouth...

  9. #9
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Principles quite clearly go out the window when it comes to a fast buck.
    Personally never liked a job that made me feel uneasy. I'd usually wait till I was on a busy road flick the fuel cut out switch turn the engine over a few times and say sorry mate the cabs you'll have to get another one. Always worked.

  10. #10
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    What's the principles statement refer to?

  11. #11
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    Yes guys, let's not spoil what has been a good-humoured and harmonious thread.

  12. #12
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm not sure what's meant by that statement so can Marco explain so I can clear it up.

  13. #13
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    My reading of your post is that you knew he was a scumbag before he got in. The fact he produced £70 enabled him to get in. You then went on a journey and established that he was a drug dealing scumbag who'd just been released from the nick that morning and yet you decided to hang around and earn another tenner.

    If I've misread your post I stand to be corrected but my principles are pretty straightforward when it comes to drug dealers.

  14. #14
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Ah, I see what you are getting at. Ok, of course as you state I did not know he was a drug dealer till we were flying along the M62.

    Nothing I could do then of course, but if that was you Marco would you have handed him his money back? I mean, if you are that principled then you would not accept payment even on completion of journey!

    Then you have to factor something else in - if we all provided goods and services and then after discovering they were drug dealers refused to take their ill gotten gains, then the drug dealer would be even richer!

    I did not hang around for more than 2 mins I had no proof what he was doing and was just completing the journey i was paid to do.

    If it had been a corrupt bank manager would that have made any difference?

    It's a sad fact of life these exist and if i had known he was a drug dealer - more for my own safety - I would not have done the job.

    Here's one for you. If you saw a drug dealer drop £200 out of his pocket would you snatch it?

  15. #15
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Sorry Les, my comments were based on your original post. You already identified him as a scrote and one of your colleagues swept him back to you - which isn't a good sign. He said he only had £45 but was able to produce £70 on demand.

    My 20+ years of cab driving tells me that's a wrong un and he's not getting in my cab.

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I have done it for 20 years this year!

    I was pointing out I maybe had a lucky escape - normally I would have been more apprehensive.

  17. #17
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    2 long serving taxi drivers - how many miles total do you reckon over the 20 years ?

  18. #18
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I have cut back now but probably 3/4 million
    60,000 customers perhaps

  19. #19
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I'd say there's not a lot between us. I murdered it for the first 10 years. Wife at home with 2 youngsters I was doing 1000+ miles per week. Greedy

  20. #20
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    So this morning I was head of rank, could see a scrote further down trying to negotiate a bargain - driver was having none of it and sent him to me!

    'How much to Rochdale Gadge?' were his words
    He said he had £45 quid (100 mile round trip) I said £70 thinking that would get rid of him - but no he produced it and got in.

    Set off, then I realised I needed extra fuel. So had the embarrassment of pulling into a filling station to top up

    Took my keys with me so as to retain taxi

    Anyway, continued journey and I said 'Were ya locked up for the night?' He answered 'yes how d'ya know?'

    Was not his fault of course!

    In these situations it's best to humour them coz with it being daytime I had no ahem implement if attacked (normally have a screwdriver)
    Anyway he told me he did bit of this 'n' that involving drugs - nice.

    As we got close he told me to forget my sat nav - he knows shortcut

    Luckily we turned onto deluxe (not) ....-hole housing estate and he said wait there while I get some more money.

    Now the obvious thing is to drive off but he wanted taking home from his mates and was gonna give me a tenner for short journey (helps with the Tiger slush fund)

    He came back grinning with about 20 £20 notes in his hand!

    Anyway got in took him to his destination whereupon he got out and said it's 'Coke Time' (I'm a pepsi man myself)

    Got me extra dosh and sped home

    This is always the type of job I tell others not to take on but as it was daytime I gambled and got away with it but that was an uneasy job - he looked handy.
    I never done those jobs unless I got all the dosh up front, BTW how,s the slush fund going

  21. #21
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I did get the dosh up front , slush fund is buiding up

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