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Thread: Do you answer back

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Do you answer back

    Here is one for the ladies ,

    When you was growing up in the phils and you had brothers and sister, some older then you, some younger, was there a pecking order, like the old ones always was right and you just had to like it or lump it sort of thing.

    I know when I was growing up and being the youngest I was always picked on and had to do what the others told me to do.

    So now I am a grow up, well I like to think so, , it is me now saying no chance to my bros and sisters and do it yourself, well sometimes.

    So what about you girls are you older siblings still telling you what to do and if you have a good idea they will override what you are saying and go with what they want.

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    ​My elder half sister grew up with my grandparents so I was the eldest in the house among the siblings (3 younger ones). When we were kids, I used to tell them to do things, like do this do that, which they usually complained of. Haha..but it never did all of us any harm. Now, I still tell them what to do, like buy this for mama & papa, or go to some place, etc. But that's because I'm far from them and can't do things myself. My siblings and I have a very close relationship. We actually enjoy things like watching movies/concerts together, dining out, vacation, and even just sitting at home and talking nonstop.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    my g,f is the youngest of 8 and she remembers the pecking order very well lol and as the youngest had to stay at home and look after mamma until she died .her eldest sibling is her brother and he is now seen as the head of the clan and he usually has the final say in any disputes they all seem to respect his wishes and do what he says in family arguments.

  4. #4
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    We used to have chores assigned to us before you know when we were little and the rule is you cant go out and play unless you finish your chores but many times the eldest pass his chores to us.

    Cant do anything as you have got to respect the elders. Unfair, but I think it widen my ability and capability to learn from house chores which I am proud that I am good at till now.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    My brothers and sister are much younger than myself, I was brought up not to speak until I was spoken to, not allowed to speak at the table, always eat at the table, never leave anything on my plate even if I sat for hours before finishing my food, do as I was told not as others do, not to bring any friends home from school, always had to wash and dry/put away pots etc, always had to peel potatoes and prepare veg, always had to light a fire in the mornings at 5am, had to black the fireplace frequently, always had to do all errands, had to darn my own socks. The reason I mentioned my brothers and sister was because they never had to do any of these things, but having said all this, to me it was normal and I was a happy child!

  6. #6
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    I am the eldest so i tell them what my brothers needs to do. They dont answer back either unless we fight but when they do my mother tell them off. In philippines it is our culture to respect the elders and answering back is part of it.

  7. #7
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    I only have one sister and I happened to be the youngest with 5 years age gap. I can remember my sister telling me what to do and I used to follow what she says to avoid. I can still remember one early morning when she was giving me orders to do something else even if I wasn't finished with the first task she gave. It eventually became a list and I got angry because she was doing nothing. So I took my father's bolo and chased her (believe me it wasn't sharp) .
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  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jlags90 View Post

    I took my father's *bolo and chased her (believe me it wasn't sharp) .
    ... scary~looking *implement, though. !

  9. #9
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    I got chased by someone wielding a bolo one time

    My mother-in-law to be chased me out of the room saying 'go back to England as soon as possible'
    Just after I asked to marry her daughter

    True story.

    When we were all at the airport for my flight home she was crying.
    We always teased each other very much.

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