Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
Here is my story... (this will be long so readers can get the picture of the story) I'm trying to make it clear as possible.

I met this very friendly Thai lady from the leisure center I go to near me of which I'm a member. She's very friendly to the point of inviting herself in to my house. I like her in a way.

Now, she is married to an Englishman twice.

First she said she left her first husband while they were in Thailand because the first husband doesn't want to settle to a job and doesn't think of the future nor do have the financial capacities for family.. so she slept with another Englishman while in Thailand. She got pregnant, and she divorced the first husband. So she came here on fiance visa, got married at Brighton sea life. Then a year after she separated him because of these reasons:

- The 2nd ex-husband goes away for 6 weeks for work and comes home for 2 weeks. Doesn't help her looking after their child and just want to play XBOX

- Just want sex and not consider her state. (She mentioned this over dinner at my house with my children and husband around)

Now separated, her ex-husband bought her a flat and a car. Now he lives with his mum. I met the ex-husband once during my son's birthday party. I don't know anything about him, except he is the man that provides.

At one time, she told my husband over dinner in front of me that she would like to have a man who is like my dear Mark. Then would spend overnight at our house with her son because it was late for her to go home (8:30pm) She likes to invite herself in our house when she knew that there are days my husband works from home. That really made me uncomfortable, same with my darling husband because he is really that private type of man.

Here is my dilemma, she introduced this new man, who is 67 years old.. she is 32. He is divorced and very nice man. I've got to know him when we went for camping and over boxing day. I thought they were dating but not. This Thai friend of mine told me that she is not interested to be in relationship with this guy but has been asking her for trips abroad. Not that it's my bloody business. But I will find it awkward and so my husband as well. This poor man even give her 300 quid per month because the other room of her flat has been emptied by her previous lodger, showered her with expensive gifts and pay for her memberships ... then she told me flat that she is only being nice to this man because he is a generous man. (I made it sound nice because I don't want it to appear rude)

So, we will be traveling to Nice together, different accommodation though. Now this puts me into a dilemma. I find it uncomfortable talking this man knowing that this so called friend of mine is using him. I know there are some Filipina who are like that... but I haven't been in acquaintance or a friend of a freeloader or user.

...How would you deal with it if you are in my shoes.. I bump into her once a week at the gym. I'm just so busy with children, home and being a wife to my husband... I love being a housewife by the way, and I like my quality time with my husband. That surely I don't want anyone knocking on my door for cup of tea and chat. Not that I'm being a snob.. but having children is really hard to have quality time with your partner. I have told her that too, and still she would text or call me if I and husband were home of which I have ignored, at times she just knocks the door when she sees the car parked on the driveway.

Any thoughts..?
Not a friend at all, don't trust her and get rid!