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I think as you've made some tentative plans then you probably had some discussions together for the future wedding. Any evidence at all, however small, to show that wedding arrangements are in hand will all help.
How about any e-mails, texts or facebook messages that specifically mention wedding plans, especially in connection with:-
- Where and when
- Rings, dress, cake, catering, reception
- Guests, invitations
- Any quotations relating to wedding arrangements (just demonstrates that the couple have some intention)
- Honeymoon
If they believe the relationship is genuine then they usually believe a marriage will take place given reasonable evidence.
Consider including a supporting letter from both sets of parents acknowledging the engagement and wedding and welcoming you both into the family.
Have your fiance write a good supporting letter outlining how long you have been together and important events and meetings between yourselves.
You may also briefly outline the start of the relationship, how it developed, the times you met face-to-face, some things you did together, your feelings for each other, why you want to marry, plans for the future and where you will live and how you will support yourselves.
Keep it simple and above all be honest about everything.
Just some ideas to build on