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Thread: Union Leader Bob Crow Dead

  1. #91
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Please someone, define the nonsense term 'working man' (or WOMAN).
    Average salary is approx £24,000pa and this gives most people a life where they can own an average car, an average house, pay an average mortgage, go on average holidays and can live an average lifestyle. That is a working man or woman and like it or not most of us will fall into this bracket. And if you do then you will know what that means.

    Like it or not these peolpe are the people that all politicians turn to when there are cuts to be made and somebody has to pay......... Any poorer then they risk harming them........Any richer then you risk losing their vote.

  2. #92
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    The problem I have with unions is this, if your union sorts this out with your employers to get you better terms and conditions ok

    BUT if it means other people not in your line of work or union suffer as a result and lose their jobs then how can that be defended.

    Like I said Crow struggled to answer that when put to him

  3. #93
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    The problem I have with unions is this, if your union sorts this out with your employers to get you better terms and conditions ok

    BUT if it means other people not in your line of work or union suffer as a result and lose their jobs then how can that be defended.

    Like I said Crow struggled to answer that when put to him
    Bit of a non argument really Les when you're using the example of a bar owner who called a radio phone in to say his business was affected by a 2 day strike. Surely you don't think he actually laid people off over a 2 day strike rail strike.

  4. #94
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post

    That's trouble with Tories, as long as your alright stuff everyone else.

    got to agree with you there Les

    seriously thou, you think that of unions, and that's exactly what i think of the Tories and the bullingdon boys, everyone told to tighten their belts and the rich get a 10% tax cut, justify that les

  5. #95
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Bit of a non argument really Les when you're using the example of a bar owner who called a radio phone in to say his business was affected by a 2 day strike. Surely you don't think he actually laid people off over a 2 day strike rail strike.
    Yes apparently he was the only one affected by the strike
    Oh yea and the thousands of others -who knows what the total cost was in the end

    Crow was a communist, that's a failed policy if ever there was, look at the misery and suppression in communist countries.

    Moving on to Rich kids I think the maths add up surprisingly that when you lower tax rate for high earners you increase tax revenue reciepts,sounds ridiculous but I think that was proven and considering the Rich pay a third of all income tax raised I'm happy with that
    Watched 30 years on the miners strike and if ever I wanted reminding what unions can do - when not even balloted properly it was there to see.
    You would sing from a different songsheet if whatever job you do was shafted by a major strike caused by a union you are not part of and it seriously affected your income.

  6. #96
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Actually Bob's salary is peanuts when compared to what most UK company directors are paying themselves
    i,m glad you think 160 grand is peanuts try telling that to the majority working class .higher pay etc for railway workers meant higher ticket prices reaching the absurd situation making it cheaper to fly .

  7. #97
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    You may be right Les. Just pay your £100 to Tiger. . RIP BOB. We need more like him.

  8. #98
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Yes apparently he was the only one affected by the strike
    Oh yea and the thousands of others-who knows what the total cost was in the end
    Crow was a communist ,that's a failed policy if ever there was,look at the misery and suppression in communist countries .

    Moving on to Rich kids I think the maths add up surprisingly that when you lower tax rate for high earners you increase tax revenue reciepts,sounds ridiculous but I think that was proven and considering the Rich pay a third of all income tax raised I'm happy with that
    Watched 30 years on the miners strike and if ever i wanted reminding what unions can do-when not even balloted properly it was there to see.
    You would sing from a different songsheet if whatever job you do was shafted by a major strike caused by a union you are not part of and it seriously affected your income.
    do they rich people use special money ? i mean if the poor had a 10% tax cut that wouldn't increase tax revenues to

    and how many of these rich kids don't pay any tax ? just like the big companies they own

    and what song sheet are you singing from les, you've never been in a union , the only people I've been shafted by are employers because there was no union

  9. #99
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Think we done this one before so can't be bothered to continue citizen joe!
    I'm sat on taxi rank nice sunny day

  10. #100
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Think we done this one before so can't be bothered to continue citizen joe!
    I'm sat on taxi rank nice sunny day
    No cabbies sat on ranks in London on a strike day. 3.5 million people need to get to and from work

  11. #101
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    Watched 30 years on the miners strike and if ever I wanted reminding what unions can do-when not even balloted properly it was there to see.

    When the coal industry was nationalised in 1947, there were 156 collieries in Yorkshire; now there are just two.
    Don’t you think that these people had a right to fight for their jobs, their livelihoods, their communities ?
    Granted, many were affected by the miner’s strikes…. but how many mining communities have been destroyed because of the closures ? This affects EVERYONE in the community. The local shops close, the young drift away for work, or get consigned to a lifetime on benefits. So who suffered the most ??
    But perhaps for you, in the case of your livelihood it was ideal ….. no public transport = more taxi fares. And of cause, “driving around beautiful Yorkshire” must be so much better now those ugly coal mines and wheel shafts have been knocked down.

    … as an aside, the Union of Democratic Mineworkers, the scab union established in the Nottingham coalfield, to work with the Thatcher govt and enter into non-confrontational talks to preserve their jobs and communities did no better:
    At its peak, the Nottinghamshire coalfield produced in excess of 25 million tons of coal in a year and more than half of the county's pits claimed a place in the industry's million-ton-a-year league. But Thatcher bought the Nottingham coalfield no favours and instead saw periodic closures of a few mines over the years and by 1997, just six collieries were still operating, all in private hands. The leaders of the UDM said they had been betrayed. For the miners of Nottingham who had stood out on strike in the hardest battle of any area saying "we told you so" brought little satisfaction.

    I’d be the first to admit that the strike was badly organised and lead. Going on strike in the summer with coal reserves at all-time highs was crazy ….. but in their defence, these people were fighting for jobs and communities. And we are all aware of how this ended, and its legacy.

    Mr Taxi…. BTW, when South Wales football teams play away in Nottingham, (Forest, County, Mansfield) their fans chant “Scab, Scab, Scab” and “Scabby scabby Nottingham” thru-out the game. They have never forgotten nor forgiven. Do Yorkshire football fans do the same ? ……. Eeeeeee …. Sorry I forgot, you live in Yorkshire but you don’t support a Yorkshire-based team. Scrub that question.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  12. #102
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Your sarcasm is laughable
    I was not in the taxi trade back then, plumbing and heating trade.
    Love the way you try and defend the strike and equally keep say but this etc etc
    Some of my relatives were miners great guys
    I opposed the strike and oppose unions where they hold country to ransom
    Leave your football rubbish out of it

  13. #103
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    My last post on this thread as raynaputi may be watching! Lol I stand by my comments as I'm sure those of you who disagree do too.
    Hey its a sunny day and i just had an oven baked scotch egg delicious.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    My last post on this thread as raynaputi may be watching! Lol I stand by my comments as I'm sure those of you who disagree do too.
    Hey its a sunny day and i just had an oven baked scotch egg delicious.
    Thick fog down here Les

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    No cabbies sat on ranks in London on a strike day. 3.5 million people need to get to and from work
    Good point Marco. I know how Comrade Bob obviously secured great pay & conditions for you and your colleagues - I suppose it helps having a power base of 1500 tube drivers able to hold the capital city to ransom.

    I've scoured the internet but can't find much about what the RMT does for its 80000 other members such as Mitie Train Cleaners in places like Darlington - I'm curious to know how much above minimum wage these workers earn.

    RIP Bob

  16. #106
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Great to see you're interested in the struggle for low paid workers Ded

    Here's the link to the RMT's website .

    There's a monthly magazine that's issued to all members and it's available to read online for people like you who have an interest in the plight of the cleaners. You wont find much of the contents of this publication in The Daily Mail because quite frankly it's readers are not interested.

    Anyhow you can see that there's an ongoing dispute with the Mitie cleaners as well as many other disputes up and down the country. Interesting to read how DLR workers have been given a 3% yes 3% pay rise plus an extra days leave after voting to strike. I'm sure you'll agree that's brilliant for them considering they're talking about giving public sector workers a 1% rise. Also a commitment was won to pay the DLR cleaners above the London Living wage at the start of the new franchise.

    There's also an interesting article on Bombardier securing the £1.6 billion contract to build the 600 crossrail trains which is great news for the people of Derby after a lot of campaigning by Bob.

    On a personal note I would also suggest reading a book called "Plundering London Underground" by my friend and possible candidate for leadership Janine Booth. It's about the New Labour PPP disaster which cost the Tax Payer far more than the RMT ever did.


  17. #107
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdjones View Post
    When the coal industry was nationalised in 1947, there were 156 collieries in Yorkshire; now there are just two.
    what do we have now thanks to thatcher, the pits are shut, we've got the Chinese and now even the Russians (communist states ! ) are wanting to build Nuclear power stations in the UK
    fuel prices rising 10% every year, people in fuel poverty

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what do we have now thanks to thatcher, the pits are shut, we've got the Chinese and now even the Russians (communist states ! ) are wanting to build Nuclear power stations in the UK
    fuel prices rising 10% every year, people in fuel poverty

    I posted this last year :-

    Coal had been a decaying industry for years, history was re-written by Labour and they keep repeating it until they believe it is true :-

    Declining number of pits under Wilson & Callaghan

    1964 .. 545
    1965 .. 504
    1966 .. 442
    1967 .. 406
    1968 .. 330
    1969 .. 304

    1974 .. 250
    1975 .. 241
    1976 .. 239
    1977 .. 231
    1978 .. 223
    1979 .. 219

    Declining Number of pits under Mrs Thatcher

    1979 .. 219
    1980 .. 213
    1981 .. 200
    1982 .. 191
    1983 .. 170
    1984 .. 169
    1985 .. 133
    1986 .. 110
    1987 .. 94
    1988 .. 86
    1989 .. 73
    1990 .. 65

    Perhaps someone can tell us how many pits re-opened during 1997 - 2010 under Blair and Bottler Brown

  19. #109
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Blair never did a deal with the Chinese or Russians, 2 communist countries owning and running power plants in the UK, its

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Blair never did a deal with the Chinese or Russians, 2 communist countries owning and running power plants in the UK, its
    He didn't re-open any pits or re-establish the NCB either Let's keep to the facts Joe

  21. #111
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the facts are the Russians and Chinese, 2 communist countries want to build Nuclear power plants in the UK, I'd rather they open the pits again and rebuilt the communities thatcher wiped out.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the facts are the Russians and Chinese, 2 communist countries want to build Nuclear power plants in the UK, I'd rather they open the pits again and rebuilt the communities thatcher wiped out.

    Blair & Bottler had 13 years and did naff all - are you pinning your hopes on Millipede

  23. #113
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    Too right Dedworth.

    The Labour hypocrites were too busy filling their pockets and giving undesirables easy passage into OUR country.

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Your sarcasm is laughable
    I was not in the taxi trade back then, plumbing and heating trade.
    Love the way you try and defend the strike and equally keep say but this etc etc
    Some of my relatives were miners great guys
    I opposed the strike and oppose unions where they hold country to ransom
    Leave your football rubbish out of it
    Not so sure if many of your fellow workers and x yorkshire miners would go along with your views on thatcher and the unions

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Good point Marco. I know how Comrade Bob obviously secured great pay & conditions for you and your colleagues - I suppose it helps having a power base of 1500 tube drivers able to hold the capital city to ransom.

    I've scoured the internet but can't find much about what the RMT does for its 80000 other members such as Mitie Train Cleaners in places like Darlington - I'm curious to know how much above minimum wage these workers earn.

    RIP Bob
    Right wing gutter press readers like yourself would have us all on the minimum wage
    Stamp on that workers head until you don't hear a peep out of him

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I'd rather they open the pits again and rebuilt the communities thatcher wiped out
    Just how proud actually were places like Sheffield before Thatcher came along? How proud can any city be when it is, essentially, a vast welfare case getting by on the wealth transferred to it from other parts of the country?

  27. #117
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Just how proud actually were places like Sheffield before Thatcher came along? How proud can any city be when it is, essentially, a vast welfare case getting by on the wealth transferred to it from other parts of the country?
    well that post put certain members in their place lol

  28. #118
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Excellent post Gwaps

  29. #119
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Superb Gwaps

  30. #120
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    Top piece Gwap

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