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Thread: VAF4A and Appendix 2 form questions

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    HELP. What are the differences of the categories in appendix 2? im confused

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    HELP. What are the differences of the categories in appendix 2? im confused
    In principle there are five categories:-

    1. Income from salaried or non-salaried employment.
    (Category A or Category B depending on the employment history)

    2. Non-Employment income. Such as income from property rentals or dividends from shares etc
    (Category C)

    3. Cash savings above £16,000 (held by the sponsor and/or applicant).
    (Category D)

    4. Pension income (Sponsor and/or applicant.
    (Category E)

    5. Income from self-employment. (includes UK Limited Company director)
    ( Category F or Category G depending on the specific financial year being submitted.

    From the information you've shared your fiance would be either Category A or Category B

    In basic principle if your Fiance has been working for his employer for 6 months or more then the starting point is Category A

    Next step is to depending whether he is a 'salaried' employee or 'non-salaried' employee.
    The only difference in Category A between salaried and non-salaried employment is how the gross income is actually calculated.

    Salaried employment generally means being paid the same basic amount each month which equals or exceeds the income level needed (eg £18600 pa)
    Non-salaried employment includes being paid at a variable rate, hourly rate or other rate or being paid an amount which varies according to the work done.
    The level of gross annual employment income will then be a calculated annualised average gross monthly income from non-salaried employment in the 6 months prior to the date of application.

    To calculate this annualised average for non-salaried employment in Category A the following calculation is used:-

    (Total gross income from employment held throughout the 6 month period, divided by 6) multiplied by 12 = Income from non-salaried employment that can be counted towards the financial requirement.

    IF you can't meet the requirement under Category A then you should consider Category B

    Category B is specifically for those folks who have been less than 6 months with their employer OR who have been with their employer for more than 6 months but have a highly variable or seasonal income that cannot meet the '6 month' rule'

    To summarise Category A and B

    ALL applications under Category A will involve providing evidence of income in the 6 months prior to the date of application

    ALL applications under Category B will involve providing evidence of income in the 12 months prior to the date of application.

    How do you see your Fiance's income best considered ?
    and why?

    If there's any doubt we can go through it step by's important to get it right.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    I know Terpe and my fiance now is with his daughter so I wouldnt really like him to be stressed with this today.

    Okay so my Boyfriend's payslips are with me now, I just paid my visa today 21st of March.

    His employment commenced 05/01/2009= Category A
    I am looking at his payslips now and seeing that he has base pay every month

    July 2013
    Base pay: 1,812.92
    Cover: 198.60
    GROSS PAY: 2,011.52

    August 2013
    Base pay: 1,812.92
    Cover: 248.25
    GROSS PAY: 2,061.17

    September 2013
    Base pay: 1,812.92
    Cover: 198.60
    GROSS PAY: 2,011.52

    October 2013
    Base pay: 1,870.58
    Cover: 248.25
    GROSS PAY: 2,118.83

    November 2013
    Base pay: 1,870.58
    Cover: 198.60
    GROSS PAY: 2,069.18

    December 2013
    Base pay: 1,870.58
    Cover: 148.95
    GROSS PAY: 2,019.53

    January 2014
    Base pay: 1,870.58
    Cover: 297.90
    GROSS PAY:2,168.48

    February 2014
    Base pay: 1,870.58
    Cover: 198.60
    EXTRA DUTY:89.60
    GROSS PAY: 2,158.78

    So I guess he is under salaried employment.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    ....So I guess he is under salaried employment.
    Yep....easy peasy Category A salaried employment. Done.

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