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Thread: the joy of being a single mother...

  1. #1
    Member pinkbutterfly's Avatar
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    the joy of being a single mother...

    When my daughter graduated from her UP stints, i told myself...ooopss one man another minus for being a single parent here. Then next my son..he also graduated from college, so again i said to myself...2 men down...then recently my youngest..he also graduated from college, and all of them are having good life with the returns from their chosen field and their respective jobs. Really very glad and felt a deep relief from being a single parent and the sole breadwinner, able to send them to reputable schools here in the metro. Finally I was able to look at myself as the last graduates..from the headaches, from big school expenses, pocket money, boarding houses etc etc...
    But where is the single mommy now? Just left in one corner of the house with nobody to talk with..but where are the kids??Well 2 got married and having their own family in their own homes..the youngest always working and once had his free time ..always with his girlfriend... Again where's the mommy????
    Now I wish if I could only turn back the hands of time, I least before, they're all with me, we eat together, go out together, watch tv and movies together and the sweetest words for all the mothers here...hearing their kids always callling "mommy" in every no more callling, no more kids at home...the only one left still at home...."THE MOMMY"

  2. #2
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Wow congratulation pinkbutterfly..that's been tough...but a great accomplishment being a single mom
    Don't worry Mommy pink...we're like a family here...


  3. #3
    Member pinkbutterfly's Avatar
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    thanks kuku... thats why when i found this site...this serves me as an outlet to ahve somebody to talk to...for i was like a robotics here in the house...and true enuff, i really found a virtual family here...

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    to getting them thru college, now its your turn to find happiness... but i dont think there are many sinlge men on here ... but good luck

  5. #5
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Dont worry Mommy we will always be here for you
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

  6. #6
    Respected Member Gie's Avatar
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    Well done Supermom
    "Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same."

  7. #7
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Congrats Pinkbutterfly,reading ur post made me proud of u..I am thinking now how my mom feels right now, i remember when she's always asking when are we going to eat dinner again completely since most of us always have to leave home for work and school and we only get back almost late..

    Cheers to all the mom out there an especially to the single moms!!!

    U made this world worthliving for..he he he

  8. #8
    Member pinkbutterfly's Avatar
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    i remember my mom whe she was still alive..she always request me to cook kare kare for her, for its my spacialty..then i find no time to do so..coz of work and every reason i could use as an alibi..
    But whe she was got ill and was bedridden and reached the point of not being able to recognized who i was....thats when i had this very big regrets..
    for even how many times in a day i cook her fave dish..she wont be able to eat, nor appreciate it...then i was like not being able to say "i love you" to ur parents ..while they could still hear you say it...and give them happiness deep inside. Too late before u do..nobody could hear u anymore even how loud u shout it out...
    I'm not being emotional here..just sharing some of feelings here...

    anywaysss children, love ur parents and make them feel it before its too late...

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my mom is in a residential home, she can still walk with a frame, and she cannot remember hardly anything from her past , she been thru hell, but still here

    there is an old saying "you owe your parents nothing, but your kids everything".. meaning you brought your kids into this world, but still how can you forget your parents

  10. #10
    Member pinkbutterfly's Avatar
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    Correct Joe!!! and I honour you for that....

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