Thats a tough question with no standard answer.
My wife is an accountant so it didnt take her long to take charge!
Actually Im glad she does all that mundane stuff..
It does get a bit much though when I have to ask for pocket money for things like beer and so on!
A lot of English women (including my mother) get an allowance that covers everything for the week including bills etc..If she does well with the weekly budget then she pockets the rest.
Some men just hand out their wages each week and leave it to the Mrs to sort out everything...
Best for individual couples to sort financial budgeting/bill paying responsibilities early on in relations as it may be harder to change at a later date depending on the characters involved..
If both have an ounce of common sense then this is not a hard thing to accomplish..
It is however vital that everything is clear early on as many couples split over things like money management..
Crazy,but true.