Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
A typical over-reaction by the Daily Mail and others and others in order to further their agenda. As usual, they have failed to properly report the facts.

This issue is not about "enshrining Islamic law" into the British legal system, but simply allowing people to leave their estate to who they wish. The same rules to do with challenging of wills and maintained dependants will still apply.

Don't get me wrong, many aspects of "Sharia Law" are despicable and I strongly believe that the legal system should be completely secular, but inaccurate reporting doesn't further this cause.
Exactly right Jamesey, its all simply poor reporting, nothing will be "enshrining islamic law". It is only for lawyers to understand how this law works for their clients. I believe that sons get double the amount of daughters, mothers get 1/8th and the eldest son gets the most.
Nothing different than we do here already, everyone has the right to leave any amount to anyone they wish in their will.

Their "sharia laws" is not good if you are female, which is probably unacceptable to most of us, but this Will thing is just sensational reporting.

Did you notice that all newspapers used the word "effectively".... not that it is or will be.

The only question I have is why it's necessary for the lawyers to bring it up in the first place (more work ?) Their clients can simply write the wills the same way as their sharia law anyway !!

I admit I am a Daily Mail reader but I try and see through poor reporting.

My 2p worth