Don't tempt meLabour will win next year. I bet Joe's life on it![]()
Don't tempt meLabour will win next year. I bet Joe's life on it![]()
How is it improving? Those out of work are worse offThose in low paid jobs are worse off
The disabled are worse off
The rich are better off
NHS waiting times are much longer
A £32 billion railway to save 20 mins to Birmingham is being built
While the roads have more potholes than ever
Remember, I voted Tory last time, but Labour next year.
Keith - Administrator
It's definitely improving.
A million more employed
Gdp fastest rise in Europe
Inflation low
Interest rates unbelievably low
Chance to vote in or out of Europe
Well, if Labour did get in - which I can't see happening - this country will be ....ed
Anyway nice sunny day, so I will opt out of the merry go round for today.
The government has very little control over the economy, it is a myth that they do. Economies react to what is happening on a global scale, not local. The economy would have recovered whoever was in power, that's how economies work.
The interest rates are controlled by the Bank of England, not the government, and they will be increasing before the election. That means more people in debt, and foreclosures, and property bubble that bursts. Something the government are dreading, as they have no control over it.
Inflation also goes up and down, regardless of who is in power, just look at the historic graphs. It was extremely high in the past for all parties, and also very low. Inflation cannot be controlled by governments.
I never believe employment figures, regardless of which government is in power. The formula changes every year. Most of the jobs are zero hour contracts, part time, etc, but they are still classed as employed. Every government fiddles the figures. There are more people in work than 5 years ago, but that is the economy, the one not controlled by the government.
Keith - Administrator
We differ and I'm happy to leave it at that. Sod politics for a month.
More important things like world cup to concentrate on !
Hmm ... so Labour and Conservative are [almost] "neck and neck " eh?
NOTHING's changedthere ...
... they're usually at "one another's throats"!!
I know I'm broke.![]()
Yes Keith and I will lend you the actual banana skins Gerrard wore against Chelsea which lost you the league!
We didn't think we had won it after City game
I will lend you my Betamax so you can watch last time you were champions. You may need to change plug it's round pin!
When Labour left - worst financial mess ever experienced. Everyone claiming as many Benefits as possible, billions on 2 illegal wars, multiculturalism reached new heights, foreigners shafted up your jobs Joe, not to mention Preachers of Hate being allowed to stand on soapboxes wishing death to our brave servicemen.
Yea, let's bring all that back
Oh - and make Dianne Abbott Queen to show we're not racists!
Les, May can doyou know that, everyday you read about criminals human rights, what about the victims' rights?
Labour or the worlds worst financial mess, sub prime mortgages were the cause, not Labour![]()
How anyone with a decent understanding of Economics could put Labour in control of our economy astounds me......their prior history speaks for itself.
Exactly. Because we were left in the crap and don't like reining our spending in, we blame the ones in power now.How anyone with a decent understanding of economics could put Labour in control of our economy astounds me...... their prior history speaks for itself.![]()
OF COURSE Labour were able to prevent us from getting into the mess we ended up with...and had 13 years in which to do so.
A bunch of selfish feckless losers, apart from in their own pockets.
Hypocrites to the core too, considering how many are living off the state in the House of Lords.
They have RUINED this country forever.![]()
Unfortunately, it was like a bunch of kids in a sweet shop ....![]()
Don't worry Les, I'm a true blue Tory!![]()
You don't need even a decent understanding to see Labour were giving money away like confetti, what was the number of Benefits at one time (120 or so)
They have to take most of the blame, it was their watch
Remember the now infamous letter left for the Tories ""Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam."
You want to vote for that!![]()
Some facts .. can you posts some facts or a link to show this is wrong? big picture
We conclude that relative to other major industrialised countries, the UK‟s performance was
good after 1997. The growth of GDP per capita – 1.42% a year between 1997 and 2010 – was
better than in any of other “G6” countries: Germany (1.26%), the US (1.22%), France
(1.04%), Japan (0.52%) and Italy (0.22%). Figure 1 shows GDP per capita levels in four
countries relative to 1997. The height of the line indicates the cumulative growth: in 2010,
the UK had a level of GDP per capita 17% higher than in 1997; over the same period US
GDP per capita had grown by 14%
I repeat
I could spend hours trawling the net for good things about the tories and rubbish about Labour - stats only show part of the picture.Remember the now infamous letter left for the Tories ""Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam.
Labour were that good they lost office, remember![]()
Yep...easily done on all that borrowed money, inflated property prices, fake business 'success'.
Now it's payback time.
You might be better asking the current generation of 18-25s how they feel at being unable to afford to run a car, due to insurance fraud...mainly by immigrant gangs, or get on to the housing ladder, either to buy or rent, that their parents and estate agents etc have been living off for years.![]()
I have never know such a party in denial - it's as if the disastrous 13 years never happened.
They always bang on about stop blaming us for what happened 4 years ago - but the very fact they say that makes them culpable.
We do blame them. They had the keys to the safe, the disastrous immigration policies that are turning this country into a Islamic cess pit, eastern European gang warfare society.
Created a whole generation who would rather drink beer and watch the mates on Jeremy Kyle.
Many of us feel like leaving this country, can't say this, can't say that. I think they invented the word offend!
Place is a .... hole now and only strong leadership and tough policies can hope to clear up the mess.
As if Milliband is going to do that
I have said this many, many times and it's so true - after the mess left, the goverment was handed a right job to do. They would have to bring in tough measures to get the country back on its feet.
No-one lkes being told, "hey don't go spending what we don't have" (unlike Labour) so the average Joe public think Bah, don't like this government I could spend .... loads of (borrowed} money under Labour.
So they want Labour back in - most people do not understand politics.
They will be in for a right shock if Labour get back in - let's hope people wake up and smell the roses![]()
Totally agree Les.
I will certainly attempt to spend my last years in the Phils.
You can say the same about Thatcher and the Tories Les, if everyone is better off under the Tories why did Labour win by a landslide in '97 and 2001 and win again in 2005? Surely they must have been doing something right
And even in 2010, the Tories couldn't get a majority - where's the landslide win by the Tories if they are so popular, Les ?? Do you really think Cameron is going to get a landslide win next year, Les?. The facts are they've been behind Labour in the polls for over 2yrs. Even now, Labour have a 6 point lead
Les, whats Cameron done? He's talking about a 2017 vote to pull out of the EU, he's pro EU, it's not going to happen, Les. You just don't see it.He's been in power for 4yrs, he talked about an EU vote for years b4 that.
You've been conned
I'll give a bit of credit to May thou, at least she's tried - unlike the rest![]()
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