Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
I am not qualified to comment on other countries and their economic woes, I can only look to Labour's past history and their management of the UK's finances which was inadequate.....
Some facts .. can you posts some facts or a link to show this is wrong?

The big picture
We conclude that relative to other major industrialised countries, the UK‟s performance was
good after 1997. The growth of GDP per capita – 1.42% a year between 1997 and 2010 – was
better than in any of other “G6” countries: Germany (1.26%), the US (1.22%), France
(1.04%), Japan (0.52%) and Italy (0.22%). Figure 1 shows GDP per capita levels in four
countries relative to 1997. The height of the line indicates the cumulative growth: in 2010,
the UK had a level of GDP per capita 17% higher than in 1997; over the same period US
GDP per capita had grown by 14%