Please help! Have spent all night looking for help!
My wife stephy passed her life in the uk test and we downloaded the form for indefinate leave to remain as she has been here over five years now.
But to our horror we have just discovered that because she changed her employer in febuary for one closer to our home, she has broken the terms of her work permit. We were unaware of this rule. We thought as she was still doing the same type of job she was ok( senoir care worker nvq 3).
We were told by the home office she is now an illegal immigrant and cannot apply for the indefinate leave to remain. She must now go home to the philippines and apply for extension of stay in the uk as a spouse visa. I asked if we could apply using this form(flrm) in the UK and i was told it would probably be refused as she has broken her terms of work visa. Going back to the philippines would be very costly, and she could now lose a very good job.
Going to see a immagration advisor on the 1st of November for help, or should i book the plane tickets now?
Please help any advice would be great. many thanks for listening.