I'm currently recovering from an absolute killer of a journey.

I am in the process of trying to change jobs, and needed to do a pre-employment medical in Melbourne. So without arousing the suspicions at work I booked myself flights to Melbourne, VIC and back over the course of two days, flying on Thursday morning, Arriving Friday 06:30, Medical at 09:00, Departing at 18:40 back via Perth and Dubai then arriving back home in the sandpit this morning completely and utterly exhausted and aching like heck.

The longest flight was Dubai-Melbourne on the A380 which at 7231 miles and 13hrs 25 minutes is quite a bit longer then London-Manila 6687 nautical miles.

All of this in Economy class (although get Emirates/Qantas lounge access by virtue of my Qantas Gold card). I have done some long and ridiculous journeys before, but I think this one is probably the worst and I now vow never to do anything as bad again.



One of the other ones I did a few year back, although it was in business class, but essentially flew home to Cebu and the phone rang as i walked in the door with flight details going back. (route shows a stop in ANC which didn't occur, just was the only way to get it to map properly, but essentially JFK-ICN at 6889 nautical miles).


Also this one was a bit of a killer just because of the stopovers.
