The press release for this study was unfortunately timed for April Fool’s Day .

It certainly looked at a large number – 65,000 – in England, over a 12-year period. It claimed that people who ate at least seven portions of fruit and vegetables each day were “ 42% “ less likely to die from any cause over the course of the study. Those with the highest intakes were “ 25% “ less likely to die from cancer ( types not stated ) and “ “ 31% “ less likely to die from heart disease. Each portion of vegetables lowered the risk of death by “ 16% “; each portion of fruit by “ 4% “. Improbably precise percentages ! The “ 25% “ reduction in cancer is five times the usual estimate for “ healthy diet “ !

The lead author’s advice is “ however much you’re eating now, eat more “ ! Most British people DON’T even eat five portions a day ( the amount recommended by World Health Organization a quarter of a century ago ) . I eat about 4 / day. The “ five-a-day “ rule isn’t consistent anyway – 6 in Denmark, 7-10 in Canada, and 17 in Japan.

Even if the UK public could be persuaded to eat more fruit and vegetables, their cost would have to be subsidised.

There really is “ fat chance “ of these recommendations by the “ experts “ actually working, in my opinion. It’s true there’s a worldwide epidemic of overweight and obesity with the costs to health of individuals and governments. But common sense has to rule ! Moderation in all things !

I CAN understand how it might be easier to consume large portions of fruit and vegetables in the Philippines – they are so delicious and relatively cheap -

Market in Baguio :-