Thanks so much for your prompt reply, Terpe. If I remember correctly, when I applied for the Naturalisation, I put my maiden name as my middle name because on the form it stated that all names on the passport should be there, or something to that effect. And as Philippine passports use the term "middle name" for maiden names,i included it in the form to be safe. It didn't get picked up at the NCS so I thought it was ok. I think I even put a note on the form that I don't have a middle name. I thought it wouldn't be much of an issue as my BRP card is issued on the correct name, meaning, my maiden name was not included at all.

So when I received my certificate, I was surprised that they included my maiden name, hence I called the local council and got the impression that I need not worry about it. Imagine my worry when I turned up for the interview today and was told that my maiden name will be in the passport as my middle name. At the end of the interview, though, when I asked the interviewer on how to address the middle name issue, she mentioned that I will have to do it via deed poll. I'm just wondering if I can easily do the deed poll for the replacement passport without submitting my naturalisation certificate?

Again, thanks ever so much for the help. And here i was thinking that i am now finally at the end of the citizenship journey. :( *sigh*