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Thread: A clear legal regime for family members of non EU citizens

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    A clear legal regime for family members of non EU citizens

    might be useful to some who are thinking of trying to bring family members to Europe and then the UK.

  2. #2
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    From the link:-

    In 2012, 364 929 family members joined a non-EU national in the 25 Member States that apply the Family Reunification Directive (all EU countries, but Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom). Of these there were 126 155 spouses or partners and 180 395 children.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    From the link:-

    In 2012, 364 929 family members joined a non-EU national in the 25 Member States that apply the Family Reunification Directive (all EU countries, but Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom). Of these there were 126 155 spouses or partners and 180 395 children.
    those figures are from 2012, out of 364,929 over 306,000 were for partners and kids, leaving only 58,000 for other family members

    but how much longer can these 3 countries get away with not following the EU directive fully, , maybe the title of the thread A clear legal regime for family members of non EU citizens is a clue to them

  4. #4
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    Ah, now that is the proverbial $64,000 question

    At least until the European Commission runs out of it's Reasoned Opinions against the UK's continued interpretations of EU directives.

    You know better than me Joe that all EU directives are just that....guidance about results without dictating the means of achieving those results.
    EU Commission opinion is not binding.

    I guess that one of these days (who knows when) the EU commission may just run out of steam and patience and refer any non-compliance to the The European Court of Justice for a final decision on point of law. Then it's just a question of the number of years it takes to run out of appeals

    I'm not sure if any 'colour' of UK government is willing to roll over completely on these issues.

    Interesting times

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