Part III :-
1. “ Puerta Real Gate “ :- Actually Royal Gate, dating from 17th century. One of the gates ( puertas ) of the Walled City of Intramuros, this one facing south, damaged in World War II, restored 1969-1989.
Main gate now ( 2011 ):-
2. “ Santa Cruz Bridge “ :- Around 1902. Steel truss bridge destroyed in World War II, replaced after the War by reinforced concrete MacArthur Bridge.
3. “ Escolta Street from Moragua Square “ :- One of Manila’s oldest streets ( dates from 16th century ), in Binondo. Calle de la Escolta is Spanish for Escort Street. Prime commercial district until decline from 1960’s.
4. “ Jones Bridge and New Post Office “ :-
Connects Binondo with central Manila. Dates from 1916. ( William Jones was main author of Philippine Autonomy Act ). Destroyed in World War II, then reconstructed. Manila Central Post Office dates from 1926 ; damaged in World War II ; rebuilt after the War.
5. “ Plaza Lawton “ :- Around 1930 ? South end of Jones Bridge visible.
Named after American General Henry Lawton ( killed in 1899-1902 Philippine-American War ). Since 1970’s also known as Liwasang Bonifacio.
I hope these were of interest – as they were for me!