MANILA, Philippines – It was a happy day for the so-called purple crowd, supporters of the controversial reproductive health (RH) law.

The Supreme Court (SC) declared the RH law constitutional on Tuesday, April 8, with a few provisions struck down either in full or partially. (READ: SC declares RH law constitutional)

Despite this, health advocates still consider the court decision "a big victory" for the Filipino people, especially for women and young people.

"We are happy that the constitutionality of RH law was upheld, as it sided with the youth and women," National Youth Commission (NYC) Chairman Leon Flores III told Rappler in a phone interview.

Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines (DSWP) national chairperson Elizabeth Angsioco said she feels "pure, unadulterated joy" after Tuesday's decision, compared to when RH law was passed in 2012.