Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
This is my take on it Doc..
The views of the poor massa are developed at home and within their communities.. Many of their parents are not educated in the ways of family planning at school..They are educated on Sundays in church and their kids that may or may not be at school are educated by their Catholic teachers or within their communities that have always been taught their whole life`s to fear God and abide by his scripture..
We have Bishops here on local TV explaining why the R.P has a healthy economy.. They say its because they have an abundance of Filipino OFW`s that work abroad sending back hard currency that is utilized here..The use of condoms of course would deplete that resource in the medium to long term. They tell their congregation that their faith is a blessing from God for which they will be rewarded.. Blah blah blah.. Here in Tagbilaran you cannot have a passenger tricycle registered without a painted/printed verse from the bible to be displayed clearly on the rear.
This scripture has been ingrained into their way of life for hundreds of years!!
I think that eventually these laws will begin to take effect as the R.P slowly attempts to take on the Bishops and modernize..
This will take decades to achieve IMO..
I hope I`m wrong.

I'm a Catholic and I believe in God. But I don't rely on what the priests say. What Fred said is one of the reasons why I refused to study in a Catholic school and have nuns and priests teaching a subject. Their views might be intertwined with what the bible says. When I was in primary school (a public school), a nun would go to the class weekly to teach about Religion. I always hated the subject because she regularly told us that not going to Sunday school will have consequences for us and would prevent us to go to heaven eventhough my grandma and parents would take us to church to have a mass. Duh! I always wished that the nun will not attend the class weekly or the choir club will always call me and excuse me to attend the Religion class and practice with the choir instead.