Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Can't claim to be clued~up on any of it myself to be honest, Fred;
... I'm simply basing this theory of mine on an awareness of it being the Spanish who introduced Catholicism to the Philippines in the first instance, and from what I'd picked up in conversation with older Filipinos to the effect that the Spaniards were far from being the most docile occupants of these islands, historically.
Yes thats correct Art.. I was told that the Barangay system was introduced by the Spanish in a way to control the whole of the country,town by town,province by province.. The Spanish friars were given the very first positions of Barangay captains throughout the country,with instructions to convert and control... As you well know..The barangay council system is still active until this day.
What chance did Filipino`s stand?
That said..If it wasn`t for the Spanish I reckon they would ALL be Muslim today..(a bit like the Dutch not speaking Deutsche today coz of the British and Yanks)
So its not all bad!!