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Thread: Passport name change

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  1. #1
    Member NeilH76's Avatar
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    Passport name change

    I have just got married and now looking into if we need to change my wife's phil passport for her new married name? Do we need to do this before applying for Visa, before flying to UK or can it all be done in the UK?

    Also i have seen talk of a CFO what is that all about? And when do we need it, if we do???


  2. #2
    Respected Member SteveJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeilH76 View Post
    I have just got married and now looking into if we need to change my wife's phil passport for her new married name? Do we need to do this before applying for Visa, before flying to UK or can it all be done in the UK?

    Also i have seen talk of a CFO what is that all about? And when do we need it, if we do???


    No you don't need to change your wifes Filipino passport. My wife travelled here (UK) on her passport under her maiden name. CFO is a mandatory seminar that your wife must attend before leaving the country. It can be taken either in Manila or Cebu. Following attendance of the CFO your wife will receive a sticker in her passport. She requires this to leave the Philippines.

    You can change her passport in the UK. My wife has not changed hers and it hasn't caused any problems at all. If her passport is about to expire then it may be worthwhile doing now, otherwise I would leave it and address it when you have more important things sorted out such as the VISA and CFO.

    Hope this helps


  3. #3
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    I myself get married recently but here in the U.K.At that time I had BRP,and in one of the conditions,correct me if I am wrong,is that you have to let them know if you change your name as early as possible or there is a fine if you left it too late.
    So then,I went to Phil.Embassy London to change the name on my passport (as it is one of the requirements for BRP change name) and they told me that as soon as I get married the passport I am holding is no longer valid so they advised me to apply for a new one.
    I thought so myself that my Phil. Passport is still valid at that time because I just renewed it and still have 4years and 8 mos. left in it.I was GODSMACKED!
    This is my own experienced .

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhen1230 View Post
    I myself get married recently but here in the U.K.At that time I had BRP,and in one of the conditions,correct me if I am wrong,is that you have to let them know if you change your name as early as possible or there is a fine if you left it too late.
    So then,I went to Phil.Embassy London to change the name on my passport (as it is one of the requirements for BRP change name) and they told me that as soon as I get married the passport I am holding is no longer valid so they advised me to apply for a new one.
    I thought so myself that my Phil. Passport is still valid at that time because I just renewed it and still have 4years and 8 mos. left in it.I was GODSMACKED!
    This is my own experienced .
    I can't believe they would say that when it's not the case! These people should really not tell stuffs like these. As long as your passport isn't nearing expiration/validity date, you can still use it even if it's still in your maiden name. Having your name change is just a choice. No Philippine law obligates a woman to drop her maiden name and use the married name after marrying.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
    Member NeilH76's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your replies. its most helpful and now i understand the CFO ... cheers

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