MANILA, Philippines - It doesn't matter how rich or poor Filipinos are. They cannot live without toiletries.

The Consumer Coping Behavior Survey of research firm Social Weather Stations (SWS) showed that Filipinos consider toiletries a staple, or a product they cannot live without, or consider as absolutely necessary.

In a briefing on the survey results and insights, SWS director and marketing professor Ned Roberto revealed the top must-haves of Filipinos in different areas of the country:

National Capital Region (NCR) Balance Luzon Visayas Mindanao
1. Bath soap Detergent soap/powder Toothpaste Toothpaste
2. Detergent soap/powder Bath soap Detergent soap/powder Sugar
3. Toothpaste Toothpaste Bath soap Soy sauce
4. Soy sauce soy sauce Soy sauce Detergent soap/powder
5. Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo Shampoo
6. Rice Vinegar Vinegar Bath soap
7. Vinegar Rice Toothbrush Talcum powder
8. Sugar Sugar Sugar Rice
9. Fresh eggs Cooking oil Cooking oil Cooking oil

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