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Thread: Who has got married in the Philippines in the last 12 months?

  1. #1
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    Who has got married in the Philippines in the last 12 months?

    hey gang,

    was just looking to make contact with someone who has got married in the ph over the last 12 months.

    im looking into it at the moment, we are gonna take this route, but tbh, im finding the process rather difficult to grasp, as there is a lot involved.

    as i cannot private message on this forum, please let me know if you are ok with me contacting you directly.

    hope this is not outside the rules of this forum, but as long as i cannot private message, i cant see any other way of communicating directly with forum members.

    thanks and enjoy the beautiful weather out there today,

  2. #2
    Respected Member chrisincebu's Avatar
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    Hi Ed,

    We had a church wedding back in January this year in Cebu. The build up to it was about 6 months, but i work away for long periods so it extended the amount of time it took. Since it took place in a church there were some extra requirements that were needed but if it is a civil wedding you are after then it will be much more straight forward.
    I got all my information from this forum too, i am truly grateful for it, it's a fantastic site, all the information is out there within the topics but if you need any extra pointers it is no problem to contact me. You can send private messages to different users on this forum.
    My presence here is a little erratic though, but i can look/reply within a few days usually.

    Weather not so great here, raining all day....

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hi Ed,

    Why not make a search here in the forum......there are so many threads/post with great info.

    If you have any specific questions just post them'll get informative answers for sure.

    Many (if no most) of the folks here have gotten married in the Philippines.

    Do be aware that many of the legal/mandatory requirements do end up having 'local' variations from time to time.

    Your fiancee can easily clarify at her end exactly which documants the authorities will demand.

    As always it's a personal choice whether you post or not, but you'll be getting a wider spectrum of experiences and probably with less chance of missing something that you later find to be important.

    If you'd like to begin some serious research of your own you could make a start with the UK legal requirements and best practice advice

    at their website called - Getting married abroad

    Also be sure to review the requirements from the Philippine side by reviewing the website here for The Family Code of The Philippines: Executive Order No. 209

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) GDG's Avatar
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    Hi eddie,it's not so daunting just take one step at a time and you'll get there,my wife and I got married in fort san pedro,cebu city only last month,I must admit it took quite a bit of preparation but thanks to this forum and the help of google the day was more than perfect.All we done was read read read until we had everything covered then put our plans into action.........good luck

  5. #5
    Respected Member eddiek's Avatar
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    thanks for the help lads.

    will take heed of everything said above.

    I have looked at all of the links you guys have mentioned.

    Thanks guys.

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