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Thread: A very confusing email from UKVI

  1. #1
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    A very confusing email from UKVI

    So I am currently waiting for my fiancee visa results and I took TOEIC exam, I am worried because if ever I apply for FLR someday, I will be needing to submit an English Certificate which is not supposed to be TOEIC anymore. Since I am only a month before the results, and I cannot take any exams for now anymore, I asked if they would still accept my TOEIC exam when I apply for FLR if NOT, how? As I a will be under Fiancee visa which means that I am not allowed to work or study, is taking exam also prohibited under UK Fiancee Visa?

    This is the reply:

    Dear Jennifer, Thank you for contacting the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration International Enquiry Service. Yes, you may study under Fiancé Visa as mentioned on our website. Your family member can: -be a British citizen -have settled in the UK -have asylum or humanitarian protection in the UK If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply to: -join your partner (spouse, fiancé(e), civil or unmarried partner) -join your parent -come to look after your child -come to be looked after by family What you can and can’t do with your visa: You can use your ‘family of a settled person’ visa to: -work (you can’t work if you’ve got a visa to get married or to become civil partners) -study Kindly go to the link provided below for more information: We hope that this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again please refer to our website at Kind regards, Hannah Ng UKVI

    I checked the website and it shows:

    What you can and can’t do with your visa
    You can use your ‘family of a settled person’ visa to:

    work (you can’t work if you’ve got a visa to get married or to become civil partners)


    You can’t get public funds for yourself and any dependants.

    Does it mean that a person under Fiancee visa is allowed to study? Or even just take an exam?

  2. #2
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    I cannot take any exams for now anymore
    Hi Jen. What do you mean by this? I think there is no limitation how many times you wish to take an English test as long as you have the money to pay and patience to do it again. I know you already passed the TOEIC (which is no longer valid) but if you want to take IELTS (or equivalent) in the Philippines yes you can do so. I'm not sure about the waiting time and/or the number of accredited institutions over there but if you're worried of taking the test in UK then do it quickly while you're still home.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post
    Does it mean that a person under Fiancee visa is allowed to study? Or even just take an exam
    Define study? Reviewing for the test in a UK English test center or school is not studying in my opinion. Your English is fine therefore, you don't need to enrol and pay £250 to prepare yourself for the English test. All you need is self and online practice. Chillax!
    Don't just try, DO IT!

  3. #3
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Hi Jen. What do you mean by this? I think there is no limitation how many times you wish to take an English test as long as you have the money to pay and patience to do it again. I know you already passed the TOEIC (which is no longer valid) but if you want to take IELTS (or equivalent) in the Philippines yes you can do so. I'm not sure about the waiting time and/or the number of accredited institutions over there but if you're worried of taking the test in UK then do it quickly while you're still home.

    Define study? Reviewing for the test in a UK English test center or school is not studying in my opinion. Your English is fine therefore, you don't need to enrol and pay £250 to prepare yourself for the English test. All you need is self and online practice. Chillax!
    She's right Jen...

    I understand you can't take IELTS at the moment because your passport is not with you, but what about after you receive your passport?

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    She's right Jen...

    I understand you can't take IELTS at the moment because your passport is not with you, but what about after you receive your passport?
    The reason why I can't take IELTS is because the application form has to be submitted three weeks prior to the desired date, and I'm wondering what if my passport or my visa results will come out anytime soon? I submitted my documents April 2 so sooner or later, result will come out

    If passport is needed in IELTS then I can't really apply for one because my passport is in British Embassy.
    After I receive my passport? Then that will be two different stories, if there will be a visa on it then I cannot take IELTS or any exam anymore because I have to go, if there's none, my question would be nonsense as it means I'm declined lol.

    My agony is, am I allowed to take another English text exam whilst I'm in UK and under fiancée visa? Because in FLR, my TOEIC exam won't be accepted anymore.

    vernier, what I meant was just to take English exam if I am allowed, and no plans of taking review classes as it is not practical.

    Study, I meant general term, is fiancée visa allows a person to study whilst under it? Because it's on the website and I'm quite surprised

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    You are allowed to take any English exams here in the UK under a fiancee visa. You can also enroll in a course.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  6. #6
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post

    I checked the website and it shows:

    What you can and can’t do with your visa
    You can use your ‘family of a settled person’ visa to:

    work (you can’t work if you’ve got a visa to get married or to become civil partners)


    You can’t get public funds for yourself and any dependants.

    Does it mean that a person under Fiancee visa is allowed to study? Or even just take an exam?
    Jen, based on the UKVI response to your enquiry and on your research, I would say that you are allowed to study as long as it's your own money and not getting funds from the public to support your studies....

    Based on my own research:

    Fiance Visa: an entry clearance that allows the holder to enter the UK and marry their sponsor. The visa runs for 6 months and can only be secured from an overseas visa issuing post, typically a British Consulate General or a British High Commission.

    The holder of a fiance visa may not undertake employment, even unpaid volunteer work but may use the NHS. The fiance may also take courses and apply for a driving permit.

    Since a Fiance visa is only valid for six months, you would be very limited as to the courses you could do, but provided your course length does not exceed your visa expiry date, there is no reason why you cannot study.

    However, if you have been granted a Fiance visa, the reason you are given the six months is to allow you to plan your wedding. If you fail to marry and it is discovered that you were enrolled in study, you may jeopardise your future visa applications. It should not be your prime reason for entering the UK and it should not be full time.

    See my own fiancé visa below, it says "NO WORK OR RECOURSE TO PUBLIC FUNDS" it did not say anything like "STUDY NOT PERMITTED "


    Hope that answers your questions...

    Therefore I conclude that you will be fine taking any English course here in the UK (if you want, although I really think that you don't need to) then take the exam when you think you are ready. it...

  7. #7
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Wow! Those answers saved me from agony! I shouldn't be worrying now as I can take IELTS in UK without violating Visa rules. Nope I don't have any plans to study a course, just wanted to know if I am allowed to take exams.

    Though I am planning to learn how to bake using my fiance's oven, so I wont be bored.

    Thank you!!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jentobeharrison View Post

    Though I am planning to learn how to bake using my fiance's oven, so I wont be bored.

    Thank you!!!
    Baking was one of my past time when I was on fiancé visa....every other day I baked cookies, muffins and brownies.

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