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Thread: Probe into 25 schools claimed to have been infiltrated by Muslim hardliners

  1. #1
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    Probe into 25 schools claimed to have been infiltrated by Muslim hardliners

    Now probe into 'Trojan horse' plot expands to 25 schools claimed to have been infiltrated by Muslim hardliners

    • Plot against Birmingham schools was uncovered in document last month
    • Muslim extremists allegedly plotted to overthrow moderate school leaders
    • Nicknamed Operation Trojan Horse, document told how to force staff out
    • Probe into alleged hardline Muslim plot now been expanded to 25 schools
    • Birmingham City Council appoints special adviser to probe allegations
    • Children in schools in Manchester and Bradford may be at risk of similar plot
    • Ofsted inspectors are told to fail any school that appears to be involved

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    This has gone on for years but under Labour councils anyone who speaks out will be vilified as a racist

  2. #2
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    Quite right Dedworth.

    Us nasty 'racists' have been warning against this for years.

    Oh well, too late now. Later generations will suffer the consequences of the handwringers and do-gooders getting their way.

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    This got my heckles up today
    I'm tempted to say ban all religion from schools but then why should I ?
    That means because of these Islamic pratts we have to give up our beliefs and our way of lives.
    No simply ban the teaching of Islam in the Uk and if that makes me Racist so be it.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    ban all religion from schools.

    Schools should teach about all religions in, for example, history or social studies, but should not practice religion of any type. School is for learning facts, not myth and superstition. This system works in France and, surprisingly, in the USA. We should follow!

    Then it would be easy to put a stop to issues like this and also let children have an education separate from whatever mumbo-jumbo they are being fed at home by their parents.

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    Outrage from fellow traveller Chief Constable

    One of Britain’s most senior policemen has accused Michael Gove of fuelling speculation about an alleged Muslim plot to take over schools by appointing the anti-terrorism chief who oversaw the July 7 bombings investigation to oversee inquiries.

    Chris Sims, Chief Constable of West Midlands Police said the decision to call in Peter Clarke, former head of Scotland Yard’s Counter Terrorism Command, to investigate claims about schools in Birmingham as “desperately unfortunate”.

    He said the move would “inevitably” lead people to “draw unwarranted conclusions” about the allegations that hardline elements in the Muslim community in the city had orchestrated a dirty tricks campaign to increase their influence.

    But Mr Gove insisted he wanted to “get to the bottom” of the allegations and end the uncertainty which was interfering with children’s education.

    Mr Peter Clarke, who served as National Co-ordinator for Counter Terrorism, has been appointed as a special commissioner to review evidence of an alleged plan to drive out non-compliant heads and governors in the city.

    This naive idiot hiding behind political correctness should wind his neck in and concentrate on combatting crime and terrorism in his force area

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    We need somebody who is best qualified to get in there and root out the vermin.

    Enough of the namby pamby bull !

    This is OUR country and we are still vastly in the MAJORITY.

  7. #7
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    My thinking is this will be brushed under the table and pretty quick because of tensions running high in the muslim community. Birmingham is a sh** tip. But muslims are the majority. I dont see how they can deal with this. Nice to hear that Governers at a school in Bradford Yorkshire have been sacked though.

  8. #8
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    I've been doing a bit of research on all this stuff. Faith Schools make me really angry!
    Places like this need to be shut down.
    I don't agree with Gove on much, but it appears that he's taking this seriously. Needs to go further, though.
    As always, Richard Dawkins confronts this subject with great clarity, reason and logic.

    Although these links mainly relate to Muslim faith schools, they're not the only culprits. I've written to my MP voicing my concerns about Christian Creationists having an influence on public schools.

  9. #9
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    No one will tackle it head on
    Everyone is scared and too pc, shut down the faith schools immediately.

    Ban religion from schools - if you want to do it at home that's fine, but don't poison the kids with your Islamic crap.

    I will be honest, stuff like this pushes me to the right more and more - sick of it

  10. #10
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    It's the future Les.

    Nobody listened.

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    Has the gutless Labour Party and Pulitzer prize winning for public service newspaper the Guardian given us their take on this disgrace yet ?

    No............. I thought not

    Racist innit

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Well the Tories are in power now Ded. Let's see how far they get with this.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Well the Tories are in power now Ded. Let's see how far they get with this.
    Labour Council in B'ham Andy - study and digest the following :-

    A weak establishment is letting Islamists threaten British freedoms

    Birmingham council and police must do all they can to uncover extremist subversion in the city's schools. All Islamist schools of thought are hostile to democracy

    Sunday is Easter Day, but the pupils of 25 or so state schools in Birmingham probably do not know what that means for Christians. Argument rages about Islamist infiltration of these schools, and the exclusion of non-Muslim beliefs that results. There is an apparent plot by Muslim extremists to get their people into school governorships and install like-minded heads. This week, Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, boldly appointed Peter Clarke, a former senior policeman, as his commissioner to look into the whole thing.

    As always with stories about Islam in Britain, the details are incredibly opaque, although The Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan is getting us closer to the truth. Some say that the secret “Trojan Horse” document, which last month revealed the supposed plot, is a forgery. Many of the charges levelled at Tahir Alam, the Islamist chairman of governors of Park View Academy, the school at the centre of the row, are anonymous. In the past six months, five of the non-Muslim heads in schools linked to the alleged plot have retired, but terms and conditions seem to prevent them from speaking. The (Muslim) Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Bar, Khalid Mahmood, has spoken up courageously about what he believes is happening, but he is almost unique. He tells me that most of the many worried (chiefly Muslim) parents who have complained do not want to be identified. They are frightened. If you stand back and think about it, this fear and confusion are in themselves extraordinary. Here we are in a 21st-century Britain that constantly congratulates itself on its tolerance and openness, and likes to sanctify “whistleblowers”, yet it is seriously difficult to know what on earth is happening to the education of hundreds of children in our second-biggest city.

    The schools in question are mainstream, secular, taxpayer-funded state schools, but even asking about them provokes outrage. It is alleged, for instance, that at Park View, speeches in favour of the now-dead al-Qaeda ideologue of terrorism, Anwar al-Awlaki, have been made. Yet there is tremendous institutional resistance to investigating. Imagine what would happen if an authority figure in a predominantly white state school were accused of praising, say, Goebbels in assembly. Surely the truth would out pretty quickly.

    But if you look at the reaction to Mr Gove’s intervention from those in power in Birmingham, you see nothing but surly resistance. Mark Rogers, the new chief executive of the council, has said, before he can really know, that there is no plot. It is just a matter, he thinks, of “new communities” raising “legitimate questions” about what they want for their children. He manages to discuss the entire issue without using the word “Muslim” once, a truly heroic piece of evasion.

    The Labour council leader, the archetypally named Sir Albert Bore, shakes his head about Mr Gove creating “a growing community divide” by sending in Mr Clarke. He thinks that the divide will appear if “this process is interpreted to be one which is about Islamification”. But suppose Islamification does turn out to be the nub of the problem, must Mr Clarke fall silent to ensure that Sir Albert can have a relatively quiet life?

    Most egregious is Chris Sims, chief constable of the West Midlands Police. You would think that a policeman would welcome the judgment of an ex-colleague, but Mr Sims appears to be doing whatever he can to put Mr Clarke off. He says Mr Clarke’s appointment is “desperately unfortunate” because “people will inevitably draw unwarranted conclusions from his former role as national coordinator for counter-terrorism”. Of course they will, if a chief constable tells them to do so.

    “I am a strong supporter of open and inclusive education for all children in Birmingham,” he adds. I don’t really see why we need a policeman’s opinion about schools policy, but since Mr Sims offers his, why does he not support attempts to make sure that the open and inclusive education he loves is a reality in Birmingham, rather than just a phrase?

    The answer lies in the word “community”. It is pleasingly vague, and constantly deployed wherever issues of race or religion are raised. The “community” will resent this, we are told; the “community” will feel threatened by that. “Community” is always cited as a reason for not enforcing the laws of the land. Two key questions are not asked. The first is: “Is it right that public policy in matters like schools or policing should be built round particular religious or ethnic groups, rather than the rights of all citizens?” The second is: “When you speak of the community here, do you know what you are talking about?”

    In the Birmingham case, it seems we are dealing with a war within Islam, between the more articulate, extreme and mysteriously well-funded Salafists (or Wahhabis) and the quieter, more traditional and numerous Barelvis. One must doubt whether Mr Rogers, Sir Albert and Mr Sims know their way round these internal Muslim disputes, yet they appear confidently to identify with the Salafists as “community” representatives. In the jargon, they are looking for “credible partners”.

    Like a lot of people who are frightened by things they do not understand, they seem instinctively to want to hug closest those who might be nastiest. The people who suffer most from such policies are those whom an open society ought to cherish – Muslims who, while holding to their faith, do not want to have their lives ruled by extreme clerical leaders with a political agenda. In this dispute, the few such people – parents at the schools affected – who do dare to speak, talk straightforwardly of wanting their children to have a normal British education. It is, to reapply Mr Sims’s phrase, “desperately unfortunate” that the local, mainly white establishment is so weak about making sure they get it.

    So what can Mr Clarke do between now and July, when he must report? He has statutory powers, so the people he asks must give him answers. If Mr Clarke does not get the information he needs, Mr Gove can take control of the school directly. It is really information that matters the most. Everything to do with Islamism is a web of obscurity, designedly so. People who believe that the Western way of life is a lie which should be overthrown have no scruples about concealing their actions and motives. Although Mr Clarke is not looking for terrorism in this case (and none has been alleged), his former job teaches him at least two relevant things – how extreme Muslims think and how they operate.

    There is, of course, a relation between what you think and what you do. It is this that the British authorities are still so bad at identifying when they deal with Islamists. On its website, MI5 says that the concept of “subversion” “focuses on hostility to democratic processes”. It goes on to say that the threat of subversion was a big issue during the Cold War but “is now considered to be negligible”. MI5 “do not currently investigate subversion”.

    All Islamist schools of thought are hostile to democratic processes, many explicitly so. They strive to create a global society in thrall to their version of Islamic law. As we learnt when Islamists educated in British comprehensive schools blew themselves up and killed 52 – mainly their fellow citizens – in July 2005, some use violence to try to bring this about. Most don’t, but they do work to subvert – that is the right word – the institutions that we all need. They are organised in schools and universities. They infiltrate local government and public administration. They are expert at getting public money under false pretences. They are not “negligible”, but still we neglect the threat they pose.

  14. #14
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    Muslim schools 'must respect British values' says Jack Straw as Birmingham MP admits there is a 'Trojan Horse' plot by extremists

    • Former home secretary said that extremists must accept the UK's values
    • Birmingham schools are allegedly being targeted by Muslim hardliners
    • Labour MP said determined group is trying to change schools 'by stealth'
    • 'Morality squads' of older students 'smashed pupil's Easter eggs'

    Read more:

    More mealy mouthed words from two faced, nauseating Straw who encouraged all this dangerous PC nonsense whilst he was a senior Labour minister

  15. #15
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    Totally agree.

    Of course the rest of us who have been predicting this scenario for years are just horrid be silenced or jailed.

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