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Thread: Financial requirement of a foreign national

  1. #1
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    Financial requirement of a foreign national

    Hi, I'm new to all this so was looking for any advice on financial requirements.

    I am from the UK and engaged to a filipino lady and we are looking to get married in cebu, hopefullly in the next few weeks depending on processing times for marriage licence, but i will only be there 21 days so fingers crossed. I have all the requirements that i have been advised i need in preparation.

    Anyway, if we were to get married successfully then i will be looking to bring her to the UK. I already have virtually all my requirements that i need for her application but the only thing i'm not sure of is how much much money i will need in my account to prove i can support her?

    I am self employed since December 2013 and my average earnings in a month before tax is around £1,600 which takes me over the 18,600 minimum salary.....assuming i keep earning that monthly amount!!

    Any help or advice with how much i need to save in my account, and any other helpful guidance you may wish to leave will be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    If you are earning over the limit then I believe your case will be relatively straightforward
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
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    Need to produce accounts though if self-employed...don't you ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt81 View Post
    .......Any help or advice with how much i need to save in my account, and any other helpful guidance you may wish to leave will be greatly appreciated...
    Hi Matt, welcome aboard Filipino UK

    Unless savings are intended to be used to support income shortfall (or indeed zero income) then UKVI have no interest.
    Sadly, as you are self-employed your cash savings cannot be combined with any other income to support a shortfall in income.

    UKVI are only interested in your ability to meet the income requirement in line with the Financial Requirement.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt81 View Post
    ....I am from the UK and engaged to a filipino lady and we are looking to get married in cebu, hopefullly in the next few weeks depending on processing times for marriage licence, but i will only be there 21 days so fingers crossed. I have all the requirements that i have been advised i need in preparation....
    The processing time for licence is 10 days. That is a legal requirement and there's very little that can be done to change that.
    Be sure that the day on which the marriage licence will be issued is actually a normal working day. If it's not then you may be waiting 11, 12,13 days

    Hopefully you'll have already secured your confirmed appointment at the British Embassy Manila for the issue of the Affidavit of Marital Status'

    Your fiancee will be able to confirm all the needed documents for application of marriage licence. Personally I'd suggest you get your own CENOMAR unless the licence issuing authorities have said they don't need it. Many foreign spouses are being requested to submit that these days.

    Good luck with the wedding plans and best wishes for a memorable day

    Have a read of this thread it may be helpful for you

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt81 View Post
    .....I am self employed since December 2013 and my average earnings in a month before tax is around £1,600 which takes me over the 18,600 minimum salary.....assuming i keep earning that monthly amount!!

    Any help or advice with how much i need to save in my account, and any other helpful guidance you may wish to leave will be greatly appreciated....

    The specific rules for those who are self-employed can be often be a little confusing.

    As you probably know there are two categories:-
    - Category F - you are in self-employment at the date of application and using income from the last full financial year to meet the financial requirement.

    - Category G - you are in self-employment at the date of application and choose to use an average of the income received in the last 2 full financial years to meet the financial requirement.

    For self-employment Taxable Income is revenue less business expenses.

    You do need to submit supporting business accounts. If they show that you are being taxed on an amount less than £18600 then the application will fall for refusal.

    You'll also need to submit your self-assessment return(s), your statement of account (SA300 or SA302), your UTR and bank statements

    If you have any doubts please don't be shy to ask

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks everyone for your advice.

    For the financial requirements I will be needing to combine my self employment with my last job which was non salaried. In the last full financial tax year (April 6th 2013 - April 5th 2014) I only made £17,776.08 and if i am allowed to include a tax rebate of £226 then will be £18,002.08. I am aware this is still not accepted so I was looking to maybe get a cash savings gift from my parents to make up the remainder but they are both retired so pension is not allowed but maybe there savings will be? This is because I don't have much of my own savings.

    In April this year I only worked the first two weeks of the month as I went out to Cebu and got married and earned £1071.56 up to 14th April (£355.08 from 1st - 4th which is included in the £17,776.08). If that amount was allowed I would have £18,718.

    Can anyone help with some advice on whether this would be ok or if not how I can make up the remainder that I will be short by?



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