4 pints of milk is a classic Tesco ( & other big 4 supermarkets) rip off

See this link from November 2009 which shows them all (except Iceland who charged £1.00) flogging 4 pints for £1.53


In the 4 or 5 years since then the price eased to £1.39. When it suited them Tesco would sell their own spurious "Creamfields" brand at £1.00. Throughout all this time Aldi, Lidl and Iceland continued to sell 25% cheaper at £1.00, Asda dropped theirs to £1.00 a few months ago.

Lo and behold on 4 March 2014 Tesco, Sainsburys and the rest dropped their price to £1.00. The extra £0.39 was excess profit - how many million 4 pint bottles of milk do they sell a day ?

Tesco - every little rip off helps our bottom line