''Conservative leader has been renting his London flat out for 6k per month whilst concomitantly raking in Mortgage relief as part of his expenses.
Add to that, he lives rent free at No10 and we have a Conservative estimate of him fleecing the British tax payer by a cool 70k p.a.
He backed Maria Miller right up to the point that he forced her to fall on her sword. I wonder if he would ever do the same thing. Let me think about that, Hmm self serving, inbred, greedy, lying, treasonous, arrogant, hubristic, .... of the year winner. Naaah not much chance of doing anything right or good for this nation. So lets blame it on those useless eaters who are drowning this country in debt because they don't have a job. How much longer are we going to suffer thisand letting our SERVANTS tell us what WE can do?''
Yes, I've changed my tune. This is not the party I once knew and loved![]()