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Thread: ILR question re: cohabitation proof

  1. #1
    Member manilabong's Avatar
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    ILR question re: cohabitation proof

    Hi Good morning! I have a question about the proof of living together. My husband and I are renting a studio flat, and the fee that we pay every month includes all the bills, so we don't have any utility bill statements that are addressed to us. Will it be enough proof if we just present our joint bank account statements and individual bank statements, the tenancy agreement, and both our payslips? They all show that we have the same address, anyway. Thanks a lot!!!

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Don't you receive a bill for council tax ?

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Normally, *Council Tax billings are looked for ... but, since I take it *such payments are also included in your rental agreement, then yes ... ... I should imagine your joint and individual BANK statements should count as being sufficient proof that you're a married couple still living together.

  4. #4
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    Surely council tax correspondence is addressed to the residents...especially as the amount payable is related to both the number of people living in the property, and their income ?

  5. #5
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    Try not to get too hung up on documents/letters in Joint names. Although that's the simplest it's often not the easiest in practice.
    As you've intimated the requirement from UKBA is principally to demonstrate that you have been living together at the same address (and still do) throughout the 2 years probationary period.
    If you take a look at the ILR application form the UKBA do provide some of the most common examples.

    The documents can be joint names, individual names or a mixture.
    There's really no strict set of documents.

    Caseworkers must base their decision on "the balance of probability" and according to what you have stated. The probability is that you live together.

    Here's a typical listing of documents that have been used successfully:-

    Driving License
    TV License
    Electricity Bills
    Gas Bills
    Water Bills
    Council Tax Letters/Bills
    Bank/Building Society statements
    Bank/Building Society letters
    Marriage Certificate
    Registry Office Letters
    NHS medical cards
    Letters from GP/Medical Centre
    Sports club membership cards
    Insurance Quotes
    Letters from Church Organisations
    National Insurance appointment letters
    HMRC Communication/Letters (eg Tax Codes, P60's etc)
    Personal letters from friends/family etc
    Telephone/Internet bills/letters/statements
    Mobile phone bills/letters/statements
    Online shopping details of name/address
    Tenancy agreement(s)
    Letters or other documents from government departments or agencies.
    Letters from Dept of Work and Pensions, DVLA etc
    Letters from UKVI / Home Office

    Hopefully others will post up their own ideas soon

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Surely council tax correspondence is addressed to the residents...especially as the amount payable is related to both the number of people living in the property, and their income ?
    The basis of council tax is residential property and communications will be solely for the 'liable person' not individual residents.
    Usually, the person living in a property will be the liable person, but sometimes it will be the owner of the property who will be liable to pay.

    The council tax rate is based on 2 or more adults living in a household with a discount for folks living on their own.
    Couples living together are 'jointly and severally liable', even if there is only one name on the bill.

  7. #7
    Member manilabong's Avatar
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    Thank you for all your replies!!! Thank you, Terpe, for providing a list of documents. This is such great help. I'll be applying for my ILR in early October, but I'm already organizing my documents just to make sure I will have the correct documents by that time. Thank you very much!!!

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