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Thread: I'm so worried about the TOEIC certificate that I submitted . Clarification please.

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  1. #1
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Exclamation I'm so worried about the TOEIC certificate that I submitted . Clarification please.

    I submitted all my documents last wednesday , April 16, 2014. I just learned that TOEIC isnt acceptable anymore by UKVI. I took that exam last year thats was November 20,2013 and got the score of 450 in listening and 200 in speaking. That was the certificate that I submitted knowing that it is acceptable. Will they consider my English exam? Please please give me clarification. I mailed them and this is their response:

    Thank you for contacting the UK Visas and Immigration International enquiry service. The applicant must provide an original English language test certificate in speaking and listening from an English language test provider approved by the Secretary of State for these purposes which clearly shows the applicant�s name and the qualification obtained (which must meet or exceed level A1 (Basic Speaker) of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Please note: ETS TOEFL paper based tests alone can no longer be accepted as evidence of meeting the English language requirement as they do not test speaking skills, unless the applicant has provided additional evidence of meeting the speaking skills requirement to the A1 level, the ETS TOEFL paper based tests alone would not be acceptable as evidence of meeting the English language requirement. Applications made before.22 February 2011.where the applicant provided only a TOEFL paper based test certificate showing they meet the A1 level, can be accepted and used as evidence of meeting the English language requirement. te-that-they-have-met-the-requirement We hope this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again please refer to our website ate We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the service you received from us to idendify strenghts and opportunities for improvements. Thank you in advance for your time. hhps:// is the applicant responsability to check the legibility and ready the full guidence before apply for any kind of visa.

    Hoping for a positive feedback. Fingerscrossed

  2. #2
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    I didnt ask them about TOEFL, I asked about TOEIC.

  3. #3
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    The information 'out there' is a bit hazy to say the least.
    TOIEC test results outside of UK were officially accepted by UKVI up to the point when ETS decided not to renew/extend their (SELT) license which expired on 5 April 2014.

    I would imagine that anyone who has already submitted their visa application together with a TOIEC test certificate taken before 5 April 2014 would be OK

    However.....I strongly recommend you seek confirmation from UKVI at the Manila Hub.

    Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila

    Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
    FTN: 8411 2235
    Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120

    Ms B Pastolero - Appeals and Correspondence Manager, Manila Visa Hub
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Fax: +63 2 8582305

    Also try these:-

  5. #5
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    The information 'out there' is a bit hazy to say the least.
    TOIEC test results outside of UK were officially accepted by UKVI up to the point when ETS decided not to renew/extend their (SELT) license which expired on 5 April 2014.

    I would imagine that anyone who has already submitted their visa application together with a TOIEC test certificate taken before 5 April 2014 would be OK

    However.....I strongly recommend you seek confirmation from UKVI at the Manila Hub.

    Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila

    Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
    FTN: 8411 2235
    Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120

    Ms B Pastolero - Appeals and Correspondence Manager, Manila Visa Hub
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Fax: +63 2 8582305

    Also try these:-
    Omg. tnx a lot. Ill try to contact them asap.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    The information 'out there' is a bit hazy to say the least.
    TOIEC test results outside of UK were officially accepted by UKVI up to the point when ETS decided not to renew/extend their (SELT) license which expired on 5 April 2014.

    I would imagine that anyone who has already submitted their visa application together with a TOIEC test certificate taken before 5 April 2014 would be OK

    However.....I strongly recommend you seek confirmation from UKVI at the Manila Hub.

    Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila

    Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
    FTN: 8411 2235
    Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120

    Ms B Pastolero - Appeals and Correspondence Manager, Manila Visa Hub
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    McKinley Hill
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila, Philippines

    Fax: +63 2 8582305

    Also try these:-

    I know my case is pretty obvious, but I just want a clarification. Took test in Hopkins last February and submitted online application March 21. Submitted my documents 2nd of April this year, you think my English certificate is still safe?

  7. #7
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    I already mailed them. Hoping for a positive response.

  8. #8
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    Cherrie, here's what the Home Office say:-

    The arrangement that the Home Office had with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide Secure English Language Testing (SELT) ended on 5 April 2014. We will be removing ETS from the list of approved SELT providers through changes to the Immigration Rules.

    Applicants with an ETS language certificate will be subject to interview by UKVI.

    As a result we have suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability from new applicants. If you wish to make an application you should read the list of providers and take a test with an alternative provider.
    That was updated on 17 usual it's not 'plainly clear'....but seems to intimate existing applications will be 'honoured'.

    Quite an admin nightmare for UKVI though

    I think any refusal would be extremely harsh.......personally I would expect a worst case scenario of an application being put on-hold until such time as a new test certificate can be submitted.

    Lets hope for a sensible response from Manila Hub

  9. #9
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot Sir Peter. This is really stressing. I hope they will mail me back asap.

  10. #10
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    Cherrie, I noticed you applied last 16 April.
    UKVI did not inform any of it's stakeholders on this latest situation until 17 April

    That could be important and hopefully positive info .......don't get too stressed and worried I feel you'll be OK

  11. #11
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Yeh, I noticed that 1 day difference as well and it gave me little hope. Thanks so much Sir Peter, may God bless u more and keep u heathy always so u can help more people in this forum.

    Ill write here for any update.

    Psalm 55:22

    .Cast your burden on the.Lord,And He shall sustain you;He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

  12. #12
    Member NeilH76's Avatar
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    I wish you all the best cherrie, it must be very stressful as you have already made your application.
    I am following this thread closely.
    Aya has also taken a TOIEC on 15th March but we havent made the application, I think she might have to go to another test and write TOIEC off as a waste of time and money.
    We picked up Aya's results on 4th April and no mention of the suspension was made. UKBA must allow some kind of transitional period ... i would have even thought they should accept tests taken before the 5th April.
    I will do searching into my own circumstances and post any findings.
    Good luck.

  13. #13
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Indeed it is very stressing but still hoping for a positive outcome and response. I'll try to phone them tomorow as well. Thats my thought too, they should consider those tests taken before April 5. Waste of time and money for Aya, really it is but quite fortunate for her than being in a risky situation.Thanks in advance for the searching. Ill keep u updated. For now ill rest my mind and sleep.

    Takecare guys..

  14. #14
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    Anyone looking for alternative English Language Tests please take a look at this thread at my post #26

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeilH76 View Post
    I wish you all the best cherrie, it must be very stressful as you have already made your application.
    I am following this thread closely.
    Aya has also taken a TOIEC on 15th March but we havent made the application, I think she might have to go to another test and write TOIEC off as a waste of time and money.
    We picked up Aya's results on 4th April and no mention of the suspension was made. UKBA must allow some kind of transitional period ... i would have even thought they should accept tests taken before the 5th April.
    I will do searching into my own circumstances and post any findings.
    Good luck.
    Neil, may I kindly suggest you also make contact to the UKVI Manila Hub at the contacts I listed above.
    Your situation is different in that the visa application has not yet been made.
    Can't do any harm and may save valuable time.

  16. #16
    Member NeilH76's Avatar
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    I shall send an email via the link you gave, thanks Terpe.
    I have already sent an email via the new international enquiry service for visa applications - they say they shall respond in 1 working day, if i haven't had any reply i shall phone through that link tomorrow.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeilH76 View Post
    I shall send an email via the link you gave, thanks Terpe.
    I have already sent an email via the new international enquiry service for visa applications - they say they shall respond in 1 working day, if i haven't had any reply i shall phone through that link tomorrow.
    I've sent a number of questions to that new enquiry service.........well I've never known such a bunch of
    It's just ".... nothing but a second-rate, trying hard copycat!" of the typical Indian Call Centre.
    I got so frustrated I sent a complaint to the Home Affairs Select Committee asking them to review this with UKVI at their next review meeting.

    I e-mailed the head of UKVI Sarah Rapson......didn't even get an acknowledgement.

  18. #18
    Member NeilH76's Avatar
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    OK, glad I followed your advice then

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    TOEIC is still on the list, but then as Peter has said check with UKVI

    web page updated to 24/4/2014

  20. #20
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    TOEIC is still on the list, but then as Peter has said check with UKVI

    web page updated to 24/4/2014
    thanks. yeh, I viewed that as well and TOEIC is still there. I'm having a hard time contacting them.

  21. #21
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Kingsley Magee - Regional Operations Manager
    NE Asia/Australasia - International Operations and Visas
    UK Border Agency
    British Embassy
    120 Upper McKinley Road
    Taguig City 1634
    Metro Manila

    Tel: +63 (0)2 858 2235
    FTN: 8411 2235
    Mobile: +63 (0)917 556 8120

    I tried calling the mobile number and its just ringing/ No ones picking up.
    Cannot call the phone number yet as my home phone cannot make long distance call.

  22. #22
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Response from

    Thank you for your email. Information about applying for a UK visa is on theUK visas and you will find information on whether you need a visa, the requirements for each visa category, the cost, guidance on how to apply for your visa and a link to information on your nearest visa application centre..Should you need to ask a question about the visa application process.or enquire about an ongoing application, you can contact visa enquiry service. Staff at our Embassy and visa application centres cannot help with visa enquiries.


    Please be advised that your email with regards to your general visa enquiry has.not.been forwarded and will be deleted. ...

    Response from

    Dear Sir / Madam


    Thank you for your e-mail addressed to the Consular Section of the British Embassy Manila.


    We are here to offer consular assistance to British Nationals travelling and/or residing in the Philippines. We will contact you by e-mail or phone within one (1) working day if you need urgent consular assistance and within five (5) working days if it is less pressing. Meanwhile, you may read through our Support for British National leaflet available from our website:. brief you on the consular services that we offer.


    Please set an appointment for Certificates of Non-Impediment (CNI), Consular Birth/Death Registrations, Notarial Certificates, Civil Partnership Registrations and Emergency Travel Documents (ETDs) at least 2 weeks before your intended date of visit.through the British Embassy Manila online appointment system:.


    The Consular section does not deal handle visa enquiries. You can find information about applying for a UK visa on our website. you will find information on whether you need a visa, the requirements for each visa category, the cost, guidance on how to apply for your visa and a link to information on your nearest visa application centre. Should you need to ask a question about the visa application process, you will also fin telephone, e-mail and webchat contact
    Response from

    Dear Sir / Madam,


    Thank you for your email.


    Please log on to our new appointment system, schedule an appointment.


    Please make sure that you have checked the guidance and checklist of requirements on our website, all Consular applications (e.g. First Time passport application, CNI, Birth and Death Registration).. Incomplete requirements may cause delays for your application and you will be asked to set another appointment online.


    Kindly provide photocopies of your original documents when submitting your application.


    For urgent Consular assistance outside business hours, please call the Embassy trunk line at.0063 (02) 8582200.


    Please direct all other queries

    No response yet from and

  23. #23
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Hi Jen, yours look ok to me. Mine's complicated since I made online application 10th April and submitted my documents 16th April.

    Sir Peter, finally someone answered the mobile and said it isn't a public number, he asked me to search in site for the number where I can make inquiry.

  24. #24
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    50 , i wrote to this link again and this is their reply:

    Dear Cherrie, Thank you for contacting the UK Visas and Immigration International enquiry service. The arrangement that the Home Office had with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide Secure English Language Testing (SELT) ended on 5 April 2014. As a result we have suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability from new applicants. If you wish to make an application you should read the list of providers and take a test with an alternative provider. You can check the list of English Tests approved by the Home Office and the updates in this link:. approved-english-language-tests We hope that this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again, please refer to our website at:. We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the service you received from us to identify strengths and opportunities for improvements.. you in advance for your time. UKVI International Enquiry Service

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post , i wrote to this link again and this is their reply:

    Dear Cherrie, Thank you for contacting the UK Visas and Immigration International enquiry service. The arrangement that the Home Office had with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide Secure English Language Testing (SELT) ended on 5 April 2014. As a result we have suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability from new applicants. If you wish to make an application you should read the list of providers and take a test with an alternative provider. You can check the list of English Tests approved by the Home Office and the updates in this link:. approved-english-language-tests We hope that this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again, please refer to our website at:. We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the service you received from us to identify strengths and opportunities for improvements.. you in advance for your time. UKVI International Enquiry Service
    Personally I think that was a disgraceful reply and a complete waste of time.
    The new International Help Team have done nothing more than copy and paste the existing unhelpful statement issued by UKVI which was already published on the GOV website here

  26. #26
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Personally I think that was a disgraceful reply and a complete waste of time.
    The new International Help Team have done nothing more than copy and paste the existing unhelpful statement issued by UKVI which was already published on the GOV website here
    Sir Peter, can you suggest other ways of contacting UKVI? Phoning them and writing to them only directs me back to International Enquiry Service. Or shall I just wait on what UKVI will say about my ETS Certificate when they already assessed my documents?

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
    Sir Peter, can you suggest other ways of contacting UKVI? Phoning them and writing to them only directs me back to International Enquiry Service. Or shall I just wait on what UKVI will say about my ETS Certificate when they already assessed my documents?
    Well Cherrie, being realistic you've no choice but to wait for the UKVI decision on your application. Withdrawing at this stage means you'd lose your fee payment and would still not know whether your TOEIC would have been accepted or not.

    The reason to keep probing for clarity from UKVI on your question is primarily to help ease the stress level (by taking some action) and also to force UKVI to update their position.

    Why not take a no-cost approach and send again to the International Enquiry Service.
    Try to be more specific such as asking will your TOEIC be accepted by UKVI since you already submittted your Visa Application before UKVI issued their statement about ETS.
    Tell them you want a specific answer and do not require links to UKVI webpages which you can access without the need for an International Enquiry Service.

    Use as many different contact details as you can find.

    Well that's what I'd do anyway.......but then I just like to see who will respond so I have yet another contact detail.

  28. #28
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Well Cherrie, being realistic you've no choice but to wait for the UKVI decision on your application. Withdrawing at this stage means you'd lose your fee payment and would still not know whether your TOEIC would have been accepted or not.

    The reason to keep probing for clarity from UKVI on your question is primarily to help ease the stress level (by taking some action) and also to force UKVI to update their position.

    Why not take a no-cost approach and send again to the International Enquiry Service.
    Try to be more specific such as asking will your TOEIC be accepted by UKVI since you already submittted your Visa Application before UKVI issued their statement about ETS.
    Tell them you want a specific answer and do not require links to UKVI webpages which you can access without the need for an International Enquiry Service.

    Use as many different contact details as you can find.

    Well that's what I'd do anyway.......but then I just like to see who will respond so I have yet another contact detail.
    Actually I'm waiting for their reply again since they didn't answer the most important question in my mind. I sent another message to them last night. Thanks Sir Peter, maybe I need to annoy them more so they will give me a direct answer.

  29. #29
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    I realise the reply you've eventually received from UKVI doesn't exactly do much for recent applicants' morale, Cherrie ... ... but at least it provides some sort of definitive answer to a question that has been puzzling many of our members on here lately.

    Your infinite patience and perseverance is highly commendable ...

  30. #30
    Respected Member cherrieclifford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... I realise the reply you've eventually received from UKVI doesn't exactly do much for recent applicants' morale, Cherrie ... ... but at least it provides some sort of definitive answer to a question that has been puzzling many of our members on here lately.

    Your infinite patience and perseverance is highly commendable ...

    Thank you so much Sir Arthur.

    Yes, finally a bit sensible reply from UKVI. But I'm not sure though if I understand it right, please correct me if I am wrong. As to how I got it, it means all those applicants with ETS certificate and already submitted their documents will be ok. Is that right?

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